外掛標籤: theme
Child Theme Configurator
(277 次評分次數)這個外掛可以協助 WordPress 網站管理員為已安裝的佈景主題建立子佈景主題,並為子佈景主題自訂樣式、範本及函式等,以彌補外觀自訂器仍未臻完善之處。
Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades
(118 次評分次數)Easily upgrade your themes and plugins using zip files without removing the theme or plugin first.
All In One Favicon
(82 次評分次數)Easily add a Favicon to your site and the WordPress admin pages. Complete with upload functionality. Supports all three Favicon types (ico,png,gif).
Theme Editor
(123 次評分次數)Theme Editor allows you to edit theme files, create folder, upload files and remove any file and folder in themes and plugins.
Cryout Serious Theme Settings
(15 次評分次數)This plugin is designed to inter-operate with our Mantra, Parabola, Tempera, Nirvana themes to enable their settings pages.
Download Plugins and Themes in ZIP from Dashboard
(27 次評分次數)Download installed plugins and themes in ZIP files directly from your WordPress admin dashboard, download any or all plugins & themes without FTP …
Disable auto-update Email Notifications
(14 次評分次數)This plugin performs a simple task of disabling email notifications that are sent by WordPress when a plugin or theme auto-updates.
WP Updates Notifier
(35 次評分次數)Sends email to notify you if there are any updates for your WordPress site. Can notify about core, plugin and theme updates.
Multi Device Switcher
(11 次評分次數)Multi Device Switcher 能讓網站管理員依據不同顯示裝置 (例如智慧型手機、平板、一般手機、遊戲平台或自訂顯示解析度) 設定不同的佈景主題。
Disable All WordPress Updates
(67 次評分次數)Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs, plugin/theme update health checks and notification system.
Multiple Themes
(50 次評分次數)Select different Themes for one or more WordPress Pages, Posts or other non-Admin pages. Or Site Home.
WP Child Theme Generator
(16 次評分次數)WP Child Theme Generator is an easy solution to all your child theme creating problems!
Custom Post Template
(43 次評分次數)Provides a drop-down to select different templates for posts from the post edit screen. The templates replace single.php for the specified post.
(8 次評分次數)A revolutionary block-based page builder used for building layouts, an interplay of the WordPress block editor features and exceptional UI design.
Shopkeeper Extender
(1 次評分次數)Extends the functionality of the Shopkeeper Theme by adding theme specific features.