外掛標籤: performance
Jetpack – WP 安全性、備份、速度和成長工具
(2,190 次評分次數)運用備份、WAF 及惡意軟體掃描等功能強大的一鍵式工具,提升你的 WP 安全防護。 包含如統計、CDN 和社群分享等免費工具。
Speed Optimizer – The All-In-One Performance-Boosting Plugin
(600 次評分次數)Boost your website performance and page speed, and increase conversions with powerful caching, frontend, media, and environment optimizations.
W3 Total Cache
(5,394 次評分次數)Search Engine (SEO) & Performance Optimization (WPO) via caching. Integrated caching: CDN, Page, Minify, Object, Fragment, Database support.
(1,412 次評分次數)Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.
Image Optimizer – Optimize Images and Convert to WebP or AVIF
(119 次評分次數)Automatically resize, optimize, and convert images to WebP and AVIF. Compress images in bulk or on upload to boost your WordPress site performance.
WebP Express
(159 次評分次數)Serve autogenerated WebP images instead of jpeg/png to browsers that supports WebP.
Breeze – WordPress 快取外掛
(112 次評分次數)Breeze 是個由 Cloudways 團隊所開發的 WordPress 快取外掛,它使用了先進的快取系統,藉以大幅降低 WordPress 的載入時間。
Custom Fonts – 在伺服器本機代管網頁字型
(61 次評分次數)Custom Fonts 是能讓網站管理員上傳自有自訂字型或從 Google Fonts 中選取字型的實用外掛,並能直接在伺服器本機上代管字型檔案。
Jetpack Boost:網站速度、效能與關鍵 CSS
(518 次評分次數)使用 Jetpack Boost 達到最佳網頁效能,加速 WordPress 網站運作速度。 輕鬆啟用一鍵最佳化功能,提升使用體驗核心指標的表現。
NitroPack – Caching & Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals, Defer CSS & JS, Lazy load Images and CDN
(307 次評分次數)Boost site speed scores and pass Core Web Vitals with caching, CDN, image optimization, critical CSS, minification and more – all in one tool.