外掛標籤: hide
Hide My WP Ghost – Security & Firewall
(355 次評分次數)Hide WP paths, wp-login, wp-admin and more. Security against Brute Force attacks, SQL/Script Injections. 7G & 8G firewalls against most bot attacks.
Email Encoder – Protect Email Addresses and Phone Numbers
(81 次評分次數)Protect email addresses and phone numbers on your site and hide them from spambots. Easy to use & flexible.
Dynamic Visibility for Elementor
(84 次評分次數)Dynamic Visibility for Elementor allows you to hide any widget, container, section, column or the content of an entire page, removing the element from …
Conditionally display featured image on singular posts and pages
(37 次評分次數)Choose if the featured image should be displayed in the single post/page view or not. This plugin doesn't affect the archives view.
Hide/Remove Metadata
(13 次評分次數)Hide/Remove Metadata is a free WordPress plugin that helps you hide author and published date either by CSS or PHP from your website effortlessly.
WordPress Hide Posts
(20 次評分次數)這個外掛能讓使用者在首頁、分類彙整頁面、搜尋結果頁面、標籤彙整頁面、作者頁面、RSS 資訊提供、REST API、文章導覽及核心程式內建的 [近期文章] 小工具中隱藏指定內容。
Hide Shipping Method For WooCommerce
(22 次評分次數)Allows store owners to hide shipping methods based on specific conditions!
(41 次評分次數)Allows you to embed content within your blog post via WordPress ShortCode API and toggling the visibility of the content via a link.
Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce
(20 次評分次數)Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce. This plugins requires WooCommerce to be installed and activated
AH Display Widgets
(11 次評分次數)Simply hide widgets on specified pages. Adds checkboxes to each widget to either show or hide it on every site page.
WP Mailto Links – Protect Email Addresses
(33 次評分次數)Protect & encode email addresses safely from spambots & spamming. Easy to use – encodes emails out-of-the-box.
Custom Meta Widget
(23 次評分次數)Clone of the standard Meta widget plus options to hide log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress.org/custom links.
Remove Widget Titles
(27 次評分次數)The Remove Widget Titles plugin removes the title from any widget that has a title starting with the "!" character.
WPS Notice Center
(6 次評分次數)WPS Notice Center makes it possible to hide all the instructions and to combine them in a single record to unfold. Take full advantage of your WordPre …