Code Snippets


✂ Code Snippets 提供能輕鬆加增強 WordPress 網站的方式。

🚀 升級至 Code Snippets Pro便能使用完整 CSS、JavaScript、區塊編輯器、Elementor 及雲端同步整合供能。立即提升程式碼片段的使用體驗

告別修改佈景主題的 functions.php 檔案及下載無數外掛的日子,Code Snippets 可以大幅簡化這個流程。

程式碼片段可視為 WordPress 網站的迷你外掛,可以提供額外的功能,卻不會導致雜亂無章。

與其他能將程式碼加入網站的 functions.php 檔案的解決方案不同,Code Snippets 提供直覺式的圖形使用者介面,可以無縫整合並即時執行。管理程式碼片段就跟啟用、停用外掛一樣簡單,而且不會像外掛般體積龐大並耗損大量效能。

🎥 觀看 Imran Siddiq 所製作的快速概觀影片:

☁️ Code Snippets 每一份使用授權,都與社群導向 Code Snippets Cloud 平台完全整合,可輕鬆存取大量可立即調整及加強 WordPress 網站的程式碼片段。

🌐 聯絡方式

🌟 如果喜歡這個外掛,或外掛對網站確實有幫助,請在 為它進行評等。使用者意見反應對我們將來的發展相當重要。

🌍 我們十分感激那些貢獻出色本地化譯文的社群成員,他們讓 Code Snippets 能夠提供不同的語言介面。本地化貢獻人員完整清單


  • 管理現有的程式碼片段
  • 新增程式碼片段
  • 編輯程式碼片段
  • 從匯出檔匯入程式碼片段



  1. 登入 WordPress 網站管理後台
  2. 點擊 [外掛]

  3. 點擊 [安裝外掛]

  4. 搜尋「Code Snippets」

  5. 點擊 Code Snippets 外掛中的 [立即安裝]

  6. 啟用外掛


  1. 下載外掛安裝套件 ZIP 壓縮檔
  2. 解壓縮外掛的 ZIP 壓縮檔
  3. 將解壓縮外掛的 ZIP 壓縮檔所得的 code-snippets 資料夾上傳至 WordPress 網站的 wp-content/plugins/ 目錄
  4. 在 [外掛] 頁面中啟用 Code Snippets 外掛

在多站網路控制台中為多站網路啟用 Code Snippets 外掛,會顯示一個特殊介面,用於標示執行於整個多站網路的程式碼片段。


請參考 以取得常見問題集的完整清單。


網站管理員可以啟用 Code Snippets 的安全模式以復原網站。請參考 以了解啟用安全模式的方式。

如果變更佈景主題或升級 WordPress,現有的程式碼片段是否會失效?

不會。在這個外掛中輸入的程式碼片段,均會儲存於資料庫中,既獨立於佈景主題之外,也不受 WordPress 更新的影響。


如果在外掛的設定頁面中啟用 [完整解除安裝] 設定,在 WordPress 的 [外掛] 選單中刪除 Code Snippets 時,並會清除全部資料。請注意,這項設定會清除包含儲存於資料庫中的程式碼片段的全部資料。如需保留之前建立的程式碼片段,請先執行匯出程序。

是否能使用已為其他 WordPress 網站建立的程式碼片段?

可以。在 [全部程式碼片段] 頁面中,網站管理員可以使用程式碼片段名稱下方的 [匯出] 連結匯出個別程式碼片段,或是使用 [批次操作] 功能批次匯出多個程式碼片段。已匯出的程式碼片段稍後可以在其他網站透過 [匯入程式碼片段] 頁面,上傳程式碼片段檔案並匯入。

能將現有的程式碼片段匯出為 PHP 程式碼,以供未採用 Code Snippets 外掛的網站使用嗎?

可以。點擊想要匯出的程式碼片段旁的核取方塊,然後從 [批次操作] 選單中選取 [匯出為 PHP] 並點擊 [套用],這項操作產生的 PHP 檔案會包含匯出的程式碼片段,以及名稱及內容說明。


在多站網路控制台中,可以透過多站網路啟用功能將某份程式碼片段啟用於多站網路中的全部網站;多站網路管理員能將 Code Snippets 外掛啟用於全部網站,也能在個別網站啟用外掛。

程式碼片段都儲存在 WordPress 網站資料庫的哪個位置?

程式碼片段儲存於 WordPress 網站資料庫的 wp_snippets 資料表中。請注意,這個資料表的名稱實際上可能略有不同,主要取決於安裝網站時的資料表前置詞設定。


請在 Code Snippets 外掛的 WordPress 技術支援論壇GitHub 存放庫回報程式碼錯誤、新功能建議及改進意見。

如何參與 Code Snippets 外掛的開發?

先感謝你有這樣的意願。每個人都可以為外掛的 GitHub 存放庫進行版本分支,並提出提取要求。


使用者可以透過 Patchstack 漏洞揭露計畫回報在外掛原始程式碼中發現的任何安全性程式碼錯誤。Patchstack 團隊會協助使用者進行驗證及 CVE 指派,並負責通知外掛的開發者。


2025 年 1 月 28 日 1 則留言
Broke my website on production after update because shortcodes stopped working, the developers do not test their codes and that is the worst for a plugin to have. Since yesterday it is reported and today no update.
2025 年 1 月 24 日 1 則留言
This plugin is great for non-coders like me, as it allows me to manage my code snippets in an organized way without touching the PHP files directly, which reduces the risk of fatal errors on my site (if you’ve ever broken your site when editing the functions.php file, you know what I’m talking about!). The interface is intuitive, and the ability to activate/deactivate snippets is super helpful for testing new features and apply customizations. In short: If you work with code snippets regularly, this plugin is a must-have.
2025 年 1 月 11 日 2 則留言
Overall, I’m happy with this plugin, but in the ~3 months that I’ve been using it I’ve encountered two super annoying problems. First, it does not support the latest CSS syntax. Media queries such as @media (max-width: 1024px) { } will produce error messages even though that syntax is perfectly valid. I also get false errors when I use syntax such as .some-class-name:has(.another-class-name) { } even though that too is perfectly valid. For a paid plugin, I expect full support for the latest syntax. Instead, I got a support person who initially told me I was doing it wrong and only later admitted that this tool simply doesn’t support the newest syntactical goodies. The other annoyance is that the company is extremely slow to fix known bugs. Shortly after I started using this tool, I lost the ability to add or edit tags. The company admits this is a bug and even sent me the GitHub issue where they were tracking the fix. However, it’s been 6 weeks since the bug was identified and over a month since the Github issue was closed and the fix still hasn’t been released to production. Even accounting for the holidays, this seems too long. So this plugin is fine, but don’t expect full support for the latest code syntax or fast turn around times if you encounter any defects.
2024 年 11 月 28 日 1 則留言
No plugin is perfect. There was an issue with a recent update to the plugin. The issue was quickly fixed by the plugin developers. Kudos to the team.
閱讀全部 461 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Code Snippets〉的開發相關工作。


〈Code Snippets〉外掛目前已有 25 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Code Snippets〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


3.6.7 (2025-01-24)

* Generated snippet shortcode tags will include the snippet name, for easier identification.
* Admin notices will dismiss automatically after five seconds. (#208)

* Updated CSS to use latest Sass features.
* Moved theme selector to just above editor preview on settings page (thanks to [brandonjp]). (#206)
* [code_snippet] shortcodes can now be nested within each other. (#198)

* Save buttons above editor did not follow usual validation process in Pro. (PRO) (#197)
* Minor inconsistencies in consistent UI elements between Core and Pro.
* Tags input not allowing input. (#211)
* Issue with Elementor source code widget. (PRO) (#205)
* Snippet descriptions not visible when viewing cloud search results.
* Snippet import page not displaying number of successfully imported snippets.
* Use UTC time when deciding when to display campaign notices. (2024-11-27)


  • Redeployment of v3.6.6 to overcome issue with initial build.
  • Type issue when caching cloud links. (PRO)

3.6.6 (2024-11-27)


  • Improved compatability with modern versions of PHP.
  • Extended welcome API to include admin notices.


  • Memory issue from checking aggregate posts while loading front-end syntax highlighter.
  • Translation functions being called too early on upgrade, resulting in localisation loading errors.
  • Bug preventing the ‘share on network’ status of network snippets from correctly updating.
  • Incorrect logic controlling when to display ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Save Changes and Activate’ buttons.
  • Old notices persisting when switching between editing and creating snippets. (2024-05-24)

  • Redeployment of v3.6.5 to overcome issue with initial build.

3.6.5 (2024-05-24)


  • New admin menu providing useful resources and updates on the Code Snippets plugin and community.

3.6.4 (2024-03-15)


  • AI generation for all snippet types: HTML, CSS, JS. (PRO)
  • Button to create a cloud connection directly from the Snippets menu when disconnected. (PRO)


  • Increment the revision number of CSS and JS snippet when using the ‘Reset Caches’ debug action. (PRO)
  • UX in generate dialog, such as allowing ‘Enter’ to submit the form. (PRO)


  • Minor type compatability issue with newer versions of PHP.
  • Undefined array key issue when initiating cloud sync. (PRO)
  • Bug preventing downloading a single snippet from a bundle. (PRO)
  • Translations not loading for strings in JavaScript files.

3.6.3 (2023-11-13)


  • Added debug action for resetting snippets caches.


  • Import error when initialising cloud sync configuration. (PRO)

3.6.2 (2023-11-11)


  • Removed automatic encoding of code content.


  • Error when attempting to save shared network snippets marked as active.
  • Type error when rendering checkbox fields without a stored or default value.
  • Label for snippet sharing input incorrectly linked to input field.
  • Error when attempting to download export files from Edit menu.
  • Issue loading Freemius string overrides too early. (PRO)
  • Fix redirect URL when connecting with OAuth on subdirectory or HTTPS sites. (PRO)
  • Import error when attempting to completely uninstall the plugin.

3.6.1 (2023-11-07)


  • Issue accessing fields on Snippets class.

3.6.0 (2023-11-07)


  • Ability to authenticate with Code Snippets Cloud using OAuth. (PRO)
  • Integration with GPT AI for generating snippets. (PRO)
  • Ability to generate line-by-line descriptions of snippet code with GPT AI. (PRO)
  • Ability to generate tags and description text from existing snippet code with GPT AI. (PRO)
  • Added debug settings menu for manually performing problem-solving actions.
  • Filter to disable scroll-into-view functionality for edit page notices.


  • Updated minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.
  • Ensure that the URL of the edit snippet page changes when adding a new snippet.
  • Snippet tags will automatically be added when focus is lost on the tags field.


  • Moved active status border on edit name field to left-hand side.
  • New notices will not scroll if already at top of page.
  • Potential CSRF vulnerability allowing an authenticated user to reset settings.

3.5.1 (2023-09-15)


  • Undefined array key error when accessing plugin settings page. (PRO)
  • Issue registering API endpoints affecting edit post screen. (PRO)
  • Snippet ID instead of snippet object being passed to code_snippets/update_snippet action hook.

3.5.0 (2023-09-13)


  • Support for the Code Snippets Cloud API.
  • Search and download public snippets.
  • Codevault back-up and synchronisation. (PRO)
  • Synchronised local snippets are automatically updated in Cloud. (PRO)
  • Bulk actions – ‘update’ and ‘download’.
  • Download snippets from public and private codevaults. (PRO)
  • Search and download any publicly viewable snippet in Code Snippet Cloud by keyword or name of codevault. (PRO)
  • Deploy snippets to plugin from Code Snippets Cloud app. (PRO)
  • Bundles of Joy! Search and download Snippet Bundles in one go direct from Code Snippets Cloud. (PRO)


  • Redirect to snippets table when deleting snippet from the edit menu.
  • Scroll new notices into view on edit menu.


  • Error when attempting to update network shared snippets after saving. [#]

3.4.2 (2023-07-05)


  • Issue causing export process to fail with fatal error. [#]
  • Type issue on the_posts filter when no posts available. [#]

3.4.1 (2023-06-29)


  • Added better debugging when calling REST API methods from the edit menu.


  • Escape special characters when sending snippet code through AJAX to avoid false-positives from security modules. [#]
  • Only display the latest update or error notice on the edit page, instead of allowing them to stack.


  • Undefined array key error. [#]
  • Potential type issue when loading Prism. [#]
  • Potential type issue when sorting snippets. [#]
  • Issue preventing asset revision numbers from updating correctly. (PRO) [#]

3.4.0 (2023-05-17)


  • Proper WordPress REST API support for retrieving and modifying snippets.
  • Added help links to content snippet options.


  • Better compatibility with modern versions of PHP (7.0+).
  • Converted Edit/Add New Snippet page to use React.
    • Converted action buttons to asynchronously use REST API endpoints through AJAX.
    • Load page components dynamically through React.
    • Added action notice queue system.
    • Replaced native alert dialog with proper React modal.
  • Catch snippet execution errors to prevent site from crashing.
  • Display recent snippet errors in admin dashboard instead.
  • Updated editor block to use new REST API endpoints. (PRO)
  • Change colour of upgrade notice in Pro plugin. (PRO)
  • All available snippet data is included in export files.
  • Only import specific fields from export file, even if additional fields specified.
  • Pass additional attributes specified in [code_snippet] content shortcode to shortcode content.
  • Make shortcode attributes available as individual variables.
  • Allow boolean attributes to be passed to code snippets shortcodes without specifying a value.
  • Replace external links to Pro pricing page with an upgrade modal.


  • Issue preventing editor colorpicker from loading correctly. (PRO)
  • Issue preventing linting libraries from loading correctly in the code editor.

3.3.0 (2023-03-09)



  • Do not enqueue CSS or JS snippet file if no snippets exist. (PRO)
  • Bug causing all snippets to show in site health information instead of those active.
  • Unnecessary sanitization of file upload data causing import process to fail on Windows systems.

The full changelog is available on GitHub