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Zencoder Video


Allow easy integration with Zencoder transcoding service to make HTML5 compatible
video files. At the moment it generates up to 4 different formats:

  • mp4 (h.264)
  • ogg
  • webm
  • low-resolution (640×480) mp4.

These formats are based on Zencoder’s HTML5 video job template. If there’s
enough request for additional formats, they could be added in later versions.
Just didn’t want to overcomplicate this initial release.

This plugin strictly sends jobs and receives notifications from Zencoder. It
does not try to do anything else but it should intergrate nicely with other
plugins such as Video.js – HTML5 Video Player for WordPress.


  • Plugin configuration page.
  • Video listing page.
  • Individual video edit.


  1. Upload the zencodervideo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin in Settings > Zencoder Video Options
  4. Create new Zencoder jobs in the new Zencoder Video section.


Do I need a Zencoder account to use this plugin?

Yes. You will need a “Full Access API Key” from Zencoder to use their service.

What output destinations do you support?

The plugin can use anything listed in Zencoder’s Output Documentation in conjuction with Zencoder’s saved credentials.

How can I resend a job request to Zencoder without re-uploading?

If you have already uploaded your file to your site and it’s still on the server, just use the full URL to the file as the Video Source instead of uploading the file.


2016 年 9 月 3 日
I used this plugin for simple file conversion and it successfully converted into webm. Anyhow I might need this to convert in HLS format and also add watermark image and text in video which I didn’t tested yet. So please if this functionality doesn’t exist yet please add this too. Thanks!
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Allows use of WP_UPLOAD_DIR and WP_UPLOAD_URL tokens in base_url and public url.


  • accidentally left a debug flag on in zencodervideo.php which sent all notifications to zencoderfetcher.


  • initial release.