WP Mail Debugger


WP Mail Debugger 可以擷取並顯示透過 wp_mail() 函式傳送的全部電子郵件,以供偵錯及移難排解參考。WP Mail Debugger 會新增至管理後台選單的 [工具] 選單中。

取得 Mac App 便能在同一個位置連線至多個 WordPress 網站。


2020 年 9 月 11 日
I “found” this plugin when its creator presented it at WCPhx 2020. Its extremely easy to use, and is helpful in a day and age when SPFF and DKIM issues make debugging mail tough. Show your users the mail is going out. Or as a plugin developer, use it to review output.
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〈WP Mail Debugger〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • New Feature: If an email fails to send, the error messages will be displayed on the email detail screen.
  • New Feature: Easily resend a message from the email detail screen. You can even specify a new recipient address if needed. This feature is only available when in “Filter” mode.
  • Bug Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.


  • Add: Enhanced multisite support. A new network admin page shows emails across the entire network.
  • Tweak: Links in emails open in a new tab.
  • Bug Fix: Account for CSS changes to WordPress components.


  • Initial release.