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WP Edit



感謝採用 WP Edit,它能為你取回 WordPress 預設內容編輯器的完全控制權,並釋放其他編輯器工具該有的功能;你還能依照個人需求在工具中排列按鈕以簡化工作流程,且 WP Edit 還為 WordPress 內建的內容編輯器新增許多自訂功能。

全新的 Custom Buttons API

WP Edit now uses a custom buttons API which allows other plugin/theme developers to add their editor buttons into the WP Edit button configuration; allowing a WP Edit user to place the plugin/theme buttons into any desired location.

Refer your favorite plugin/theme developers to the WP Edit Custom Buttons API documentation to get your favorite buttons added to WP Edit.


WP Edit is built around three years of custom WordPress development. WP Edit adds extensive, additional editing functionality to the default WordPress editor. Begin creating content like the pros; without knowing a single bit of HTML or CSS.

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Most Powerful Features

WP Edit will provide new buttons, additional options, and extended formatting abilities to the exisiting content editor.

  • Easily insert images, media, YouTube videos, and clip art.
  • Create tables via a graphical interface.
  • Adjust table cell border and background colors.
  • No need to learn HTML and CSS (although the basics can certainly help); use buttons with visual interfaces instead!
  • Easily access all shortcodes available to your WordPress environment; and insert them into the content editor.
  • Use shortcodes to insert columns.. similar to “magazine” style layouts, in your content areas.

Why should you use this plugin?

Because WP Edit is the culmination of three years development in the WordPress content editor. You can begin creating content (with advanced layouts); easily insert all types of external media (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.); adjust fonts, styles, colors, and sizes; and much more!

What is included in the free version?

  • Drag and drop functionality for custom creation of the top row of editor buttons.
  • Adds additional editor buttons such as subscript, superscript, insert media, emoticons, search and replace, html editor, preview.. and many more.
  • Add your custom editor to excerpt areas and profile descriptions.
  • Allow shortcodes in excerpt and widget areas.
  • Highlight admin posts/pages based on status (green = published, yellow = draft, etc.)
  • Easily import/export plugin options.

Why should you upgrade to WP Edit Pro?

  • Drag and drop functionality for custom creation of all rows of editor buttons.
  • Powerful network installation functionality; WP Network Ready.
  • User roles for custom button arrangements; allow different user roles access to different editor buttons.
  • Extreme Custom Widget Builder – create custom widgets just like posts or pages.. and insert them into any widget area or the content editor.



  • This plugin is provided “as-is”; within the scope of WordPress. We will update this plugin to remain secure, and to follow WP coding standards.
  • If you prefer more “dedicated” support, with more advanced and powerful plugin features, please consider upgrading to “WP Edit Pro”.



  • Create custom button arrangements from a friendly drag and drop interface.
  • The custom button arrangement will be loaded in the content editor.
  • Eight tabs packed with options.


  • From the WP admin panel, click “Plugins” -> “Add new”.
  • In the browser input box, type “WP Edit”.
  • Select the “WP Edit” plugin (authored by “josh401”), and click “Install”.
  • Activate the plugin.


  • Download the plugin from this page.
  • Save the .zip file to a location on your computer.
  • Open the WP admin panel, and click “Plugins” -> “Add new”.
  • Click “upload”.. then browse to the .zip file downloaded from this page.
  • Click “Install”.. and then “Activate plugin”.


  • Download the plugin from this page.
  • Extract the .zip file to a location on your computer.
  • Use either FTP or your hosts cPanel to gain access to your website file directories.
  • Browse to the wp-content/plugins directory.
  • Upload the extracted wp_edit folder to this directory location.
  • Open the WP admin panel.. click the “Plugins” page.. and click “Activate” under the newly added “WP Edit” plugin.


  • Nothing at the moment.


2024 年 6 月 1 日
Plugin also works with WordPress 6.5.3 without any issues. This plugin is very old and not updated. Alternatives for this plugin ?
2021 年 10 月 7 日
Loved this plugin until the ssl certificate on the site stopped working and can no longer activate my transaction ID to use it. The developer hasn’t replied to my emails yet.
2021 年 9 月 10 日
Been using this for years, Sometimes you do a fresh wordpress install, Start creating page content and realize the editor is missing many features. Or creating a block with classic editor, also lacks important features by default. This plugin adds all those missing features. Thanks!
2020 年 10 月 2 日
I really like WP Edit. In fact, it is crucial to my use of WordPress. But every editor has a search/replace function. It’s there in the Visual view, but not in Text View, where editing gets particularly challenging. The best I can come up with is the browser’s native search engine, and that is not up to the task in a couple of regards. Clean, slim functionality is the reason I stick with WP Edit. But please give us a fully functional search/replace in both Text and Visual views of what we’re working on.
閱讀全部 160 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈WP Edit〉的開發相關工作。


〈WP Edit〉外掛目前已有 7 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈WP Edit〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Updated function for php7 and backwards compatibility (to rid php warning). Thanks @kendawes!


  • Updated readme.
  • Ensured plugin not generating any errors/warnings/notices with current version of WordPress.
  • WordPress 5.0 will include “Gutenberg” (please research); and I am working on a compatible WP Edit version.


  • 11/17/2017
  • Tested to ensure WP 4.9 compatibility.
  • Fixed icon to insert date/time.
  • Fixed advanced link nofollow checkbox.


  • 04/20/2017
  • Fixed warnings when plugin is network activated (pertaining to buttons options).
  • Altered readme file to better display in new WordPress plugins repository design.


  • 10/03/2016
  • Added Custom Buttons API; other plugins/themes can add buttons to WP Edit.
  • Added dismissable admin notice for Custom Buttons API (help spread the word!).
  • Added plugin rating statistics to sidebar (Please rate and review).
  • Added nonce fields for every form submission used to save database options.
  • Moved plugins.php page styles to properly enqueue (used for notices).


  • 09/05/2016
  • Added functionality to enable visual editor on BBPress forums (Editor tab).
  • Fixed strict standards error on wp_widget_rss_output() function (final fix will be done upstream when WordPress 4.7 is released).
  • Adjusted plugin css file.


  • 05/11/2016
  • Removed a stray var_dump() function.


  • 05/11/2016
  • Added support for WP Edit toolbars in custom post types excerpt areas.
  • Fixed deprecated function. (htmledit_pre changed to format_for_editor) (main.php ~line 115).
  • Updated introduction video link.
  • Minor changes to ensure WordPress 4.6 compatibility.
  • Increased stable tag version.


  • 01/11/2016

  • Fixed Feedblitz image loading insecure over https.

  • Fixed WP_PLUGIN_URL constant; switched to using plugins_url() function.
  • Fixed profile biography editor.
  • Updated compatibility version.


  • 12/16/2015
  • Update to be stable with WordPress 4.4.