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Version Info | Show WP, PHP, MySQL & Web Server Versions in Admin Dashboard

Version Info | Show WP, PHP, MySQL & Web Server Versions in Admin Dashboard


The Version Info plugin helps you track essential version information for your WordPress install by displaying key system details such as WordPress version, PHP version, Web Server type, and MySQL version. This can be displayed in three areas:

  • Admin footer – Displays WordPress, PHP, MySQL, and Web Server versions in the footer for quick reference.
  • WP-Admin Bar – Optionally add version details to the top WP-Admin bar for instant visibility while navigating the admin area.
  • Dashboard Widget – Activate the dashboard widget via the Screen Options to quickly view your site’s version information.

Key features of this plugin include:

  • Shows the current WordPress version. If a new version is available, it will display the current version alongside the latest available version in the footer, with a link to update.
  • Displays the PHP version running on your server, making it easy to verify if your site meets compatibility requirements for plugins and themes.
  • Shows the Web Server type and version, whether you’re using Apache, Nginx, or another server setup.
  • Includes the MySQL version to help you track the database version your WordPress site uses.

Why use this Plugin?

Ever wondered which version of WordPress or PHP your site is running? This plugin ensures you have that critical information at a glance.

Whether you’re a site administrator, developer, or someone managing a WordPress site, knowing your software versions is crucial for troubleshooting, compatibility checks, and ensuring optimal performance.

For developers, this plugin is an invaluable tool. When clients report an issue, they can quickly send you the version details of their setup by simply sharing a screenshot of their admin footer or copying the information. This makes diagnosing issues easier, as you’ll immediately know which version of WordPress, PHP, and MySQL they are using, along with the web server information.


  • Default admin footer showing you the current (latest) Wordpress version
  • After activation you will get a lot more info in your admin footer
  • Default admin footer when you are not running the latest version of WordPress
  • If this plugin is active, you will see your currently installed version along the update info (and the additional info this plugin provides)


  1. Upload the plugin to your plugins directory (possibly /wp-content/plugins/), or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Footer Version Info is not showing on mobile

common.css hides the admin-footer on viewports smaller than 783px. To show the footer also on small viewports, add the following to a mu-plugin or your theme’s functions.php, etc.

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function () {
    wp_add_inline_style('common', '@media screen and (max-width: 782px){#wpfooter {display: block;}}');
    wp_add_inline_style('admin-menu', '@media only screen and (max-width: 960px){.auto-fold #wpfooter{margin-left: 0px;}}');


2023 年 3 月 26 日
Simple but very useful plugin. Work as expected. No ads, no push to buy a pro version (there is none AFAIK).
2021 年 1 月 17 日 1 則留言
Way more information than I know how to use, but someday when I’m troubleshooting, I’m sure it will save me a lot of time looking it up elsewhere. All I really wanted was a quick way to get version numbers, and I see I also got memory, RAM and CPU, which will be great for comparisons before and after installing plugins, changing Web hosts, etc. I agree with the reviewer who requested PayPal in order to make a donation. The donation link takes me to a payment processor I never heard of, and when I decided to go ahead (what the heck, the credit card I’ll use expires soon anyway), my bank declined the transaction. So I would have donated, but I’m not putting in a second credit card. I’ll check again after I do taxes and decide how much money I have to spare. I want to donate to a number of plugin creators once I actually have an income stream.
2020 年 8 月 27 日 1 則留言
I like this plugin a lot. Sadly it doesn’t show on mobile. I can only see it when opening WordPress from desktop.
閱讀全部 15 則使用者評論


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  • Added settings for displaying the version info on WP-Admin bar and dashboard widget.
  • Added namespace, sanitization, and other security improvements.
  • Prepared plugin strings for translation.
  • Translations added for 13 most common WordPress languages.