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User Last Modified


When a user updates their profile details, this plugin will record the data and time of that update. The date and time will be shown to the administrator through the Users -> All Users page


  • Admin page showing user last modified dates


2017 年 6 月 18 日 1 則留言
This plugin does not add links, it constantly says that there’s an illegal string offset in the URL, when there isn’t any!
2017 年 3 月 27 日
I was searching for a plugin that would display when users last updated their profile and this plugin does exactly that as a column on the Users list. But this plugin could better if it could display the “User Last Modified date” on the actual Profile page…like maybe have it display under Account Management, above the “Update Profile” button. Regardless, this plugin does what it says and I rate it 5 stars.
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  • Initial release