i have tested lots of plugins to implement a flexible MFA to wp admin areas. This one is defly the best of it.
it is slim, simple, easy to configure und supports email tokens and the ms authenticator ap aswell as fido keys or google auth app.
If you are not using another 2FA system, this is the simplest and best way to quickly protect your site and your users from compromised accounts. It is a common and often required security-by-default feature on many enterprise WordPress sites. Everyone should use it if they’re not using another 2FA solution.
***Be sure to add the code snippet Kaspars (one of the contributors) shared in the support form thread to require 2FA by default for all users.***
And if you are allowing open registration (where anyone visiting your site can create an account) you will also want to install and activate the WP Approve User plugin contributed by Konstantin Obenland.
These are both 100% free, rock-solid, community-contributed plugins from expert WP folks. <3