The Fly


Yes, just a Fly.

This plugin does nothing but presents a fly on the screen (only restricted to the browser window). It’s like a fly on the TV screen. It moves around freely. You can smash it by clicking on it, and it will remain there. Other flies will come to its burial!

A plugin of this kind is useful for have fun and to joke, but an smart even strategic use of it is also possible, like emphatice news that smells bad, complete the boring 404 error pages, add some attention to static pages… things like that.

The plugin comes with few shortcodes that let you insert as many flies as you want in your documents. You have also a shortcode to insert a button to create new flies and one last shortcode to delete the flies. These can also be removed by right clicking on any fly, death or alive.

Now you can personalize the number of flies that will be generated automatically. Or set it to zero and then add flies wherever you decide (like 404 pages or news that smell bad, pages with nature background…) using the provided shortcodes.

The flies will disappear as soon as you leave the page.

See the plugin screen for settings and “how-to” instructions.


  • New feature! Now you can set how many automatic flies to show.
  • A Fly animates even the most boring page.
  • No matter where you scroll, they will be moving around.
  • Ideal to illustrate 404 not found pages! (oh, come on, really?)
  • Well, maybe this is not the best example…


I don’t want automatic flies

From version 1.2, you can select the number of flies created automatically by setting this option on the plugin’s page. You can set this value to 0 and no flies will appear automatically. Then, you can use the shortcode provided by the plugin to personalize your pages.

On the original version of the plugin (1.0), you should do a very simple change to the original plugin’s code.


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  • Adds the option to define how many flies must be automatically generated.


  • The first original stable version.