外掛標籤: show
WordPress Hide Posts
(20 次評分次數)這個外掛能讓使用者在首頁、分類彙整頁面、搜尋結果頁面、標籤彙整頁面、作者頁面、RSS 資訊提供、REST API、文章導覽等位置隱藏指定內容。
Catch Web Tools
(3 次評分次數)A top-notch modular plugin that can greatly enhance the capabilities of a WordPress website with its powerful features.
(41 次評分次數)Allows you to embed content within your blog post via WordPress ShortCode API and toggling the visibility of the content via a link.
AH Display Widgets
(11 次評分次數)Simply hide widgets on specified pages. Adds checkboxes to each widget to either show or hide it on every site page.
Show Pages IDs
(77 次評分次數)This plugin will show the IDs of posts and pages on the admin bar and on the admin panel.
ShowID for Post/Page/Category/Tag/Comment
(6 次評分次數)This plugin shows post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user IDs on admin's edit post/page/category/tag/comment/media/user pages.
Simply Show IDs
(6 次評分次數)Simply shows the ID of Posts, Pages, Media, Links, Categories, Tags and Users in the admin tables for easy access.
WP Hide Show Featured Image
(3 次評分次數)The plugin provides options to hide featured images from all posts and pages.
Hide Content by User Role for WPBakery
(16 次評分次數)Hide/show/restrict elements based on user roles like administrator in WPBakery page builder (formerly Visual Composer).
Show Pages URL List
(5 次評分次數)Simple plugin that allow you view all the pages urls on your wordpress site
Show User Registration Date
(5 次評分次數)This plugin shows the registed date field in the table of the Users section in the WordPress dashboard.
Show User ID
(3 次評分次數)This plugin shows the ID field in the table of the Users section in the WordPress dashboard.
Show User Password
(4 次評分次數)This plugin shows the password field (with MD5 Encryption) in the table of the Users section in the WordPress dashboard.
Super Hide Post
(5 次評分次數)Enables you to control the visibility of items on your blog by making posts/pages hidden on some parts of your blog, while still visible in other part …
Which Template Am I
(3 次評分次數)This plugin will display the name of the WordPress Template in use for the current page at in the footer. It only shows for logged in administrators.
Show Private
(6 次評分次數)Using this plugin everyone can get access to Private Pages and Attachments knowing their direct link without requiring admin rights.