外掛標籤: modify
Visual Footer Credit Remover
(20 次評分次數)Remove or replace footer credit of any WordPress theme with the click of a mouse.
Remove "Powered by WordPress"
(20 次評分次數)移除 WordPress 預設佈景主題頁尾的「本站採用 WordPress 建置」字樣,並取代為一個可供佈景主題進行自訂的資訊欄小工具。
Options for Twenty Seventeen
(56 次評分次數)為 WordPress 預設的 Twenty Seventeen 佈景主題新增功能豐富的外觀自訂器選項,以全方位修改佈景主題各種外觀需求。
Options for Twenty Twenty-One
(62 次評分次數)為 WordPress 預設的 Twenty Twenty-One 佈景主題新增功能豐富的外觀自訂器選項,以全方位修改佈景主題各種外觀需求。
Options for Twenty Twenty
(32 次評分次數)為 WordPress 預設的 Twenty Twenty 佈景主題新增功能豐富的外觀自訂器選項,以全方位修改佈景主題各種外觀需求。
Customize Twenty Seventeen
(10 次評分次數)Customize Twenty Seventeen theme – add Google Fonts, use new templates and get other options to easily customize your site.
Options for Twenty Nineteen
(10 次評分次數)為 WordPress 預設的 Twenty Nineteen 佈景主題新增功能豐富的外觀自訂器選項,以全方位修改佈景主題各種外觀需求。
Customize Twenty Sixteen
(3 次評分次數)Customize Twenty Sixteen theme – add Google Fonts, use new templates without sidebar and get other options to easily customize your site.
Text Replacer
(0 次評分次數)Replace one or more words, or entire sentence across all posts and pages reliably with Text Replacer.
Woo Layout Editor
(0 次評分次數)Introduces under WooCommerce menu a visual drag&drop editor functioning as a layout WooCommerce customizer by add/exchange/drop position of any b …
User Batch Data Modifier
(0 次評分次數)Add/Update/Delete/Drop batch user data for all or specific users with meta key.