SQLite 外掛是一款社群版功能性外掛,這個外掛的目的在於測試 WordPress 與 SQLite 的整合並收集意見反應,最終目標是將這個外掛的功能整合至 WordPress 核心程式中。
這個功能性外掛包含源自 phpMyAdmin 專案 (尤其是 phpmyadmin/sql-parser 程式庫) 的程式碼,其授權方式為 GPL v2 或更新版本。如需進一步了解 phpmyadmin/sql-parser 程式庫,請前往該程式庫的 GitHub 存放庫。
這個外掛的主要目的是開放測試 SQLite 資料庫的使用,最終目標是將這項功能整合至 WordPress 核心程式中。
根據上文中所提及的外掛主要目的,可以將這個外掛視為 Beta 測試版外掛。在某些情況下,這個外掛應該可以用於生產環境;但是如同其他外掛,使用者必須自負使用風險。
非常鼓勵也感謝使用者提供意見反應,尤其是這個外掛會是將來 WordPress 核心程式的功能。如果使用者需要移難排解的協助、使用上遇到問題、功能建議或要求,都可以在 SQLite GitHub 存放庫中提出。
Ok, so in terms of doing what it says in the tin, for me it looks great. I’ve set up 20 – 30 instances, it runs my core plugins and has a footprint of ~ 105M when running with a default setup. Seems to be at least as fast as the MySQL instances sat next to them.
Here’s the problem tho’. It would seem I can’t actually convert any existing sites over to run on these instances without a lot of manual work. (I say this after reading the experiences of some others who claim to have tried).
Are there any relatively automatic tools and/or documentation that I might have missed when it comes to migrating a MySQL instance over to SqLite (and back, in the event of a problem), or at least a Roadmap of if / when such tools or plugins might become available?
A roadmap or estimation might at least (if it’s a long way away) prompt someone to get on and do it?
I added this plugin. Wordpress warned me that it would be reinstalled. But now everything is gone.) Will it come back, hopefully?
Thank you dev team for providing this plugin !
I used it to spin up a test site in CI, it’s just elegant and brings WP closer to Static when we need it. There’s a place for SQLite simplicity in some WP workflows. Loved it!
Great start to a well needed SQLite option.
Installation was smooth for a fresh installation with no content. Using PHP 8.2 and WordPress 6.6.
Thank you, team for sharing and getting this into production.
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