Split Backorders plugin automatically creates a separate order with the status “Backorders” for the products that are not in stock(products on backorder). It helps the admin to track the list of backorders received from the website and then the admin can focus on which products can be delivered on time and which items he needs to arrange or should get back in stock in order to fulfill customer demand or order placed for the same. This Plugin helps to increase sales by providing customers with the ability to order products that are out of stock (backorders).
Note: This is a free variant of Split Backorder for woocommerce
Features of Plugin
Split Order according to stock status:
With the help of this plugin, the admin can easily split the in-stock and out of stock products easily at the backend which helps to get the details of the order in a proper way. This is the paid feature of the plugin.
Manage In stock and backorders separately
As the Plugin separates the in-stock and out stock products, it becomes easy for the admin to manage the items which are in-stock and which are out of separately. This is the paid feature of the plugin.
Helps to retain the customers
As the customer is able to place an order for out of orders as well they get a sense of security that they would get their products, and the admin can also get notified about the products in demand.
Helps the admin to keep track of the stock
With the help of this Plugin the admin gets notified about the backorders it helps to maintain the stock availability in a proper way which ultimately keeps the store up to date.
A brief Markdown Example
This product is designed for various industrial solutions such as Fashion, FMCG-retail, automotive, health & beauty, Gems, and jewelry, Engineering and capital goods, Consumer durables, Agriculture and allied industries, Manufacturing sector, Media and Entertainment Industry, and Textile industry.
This covers all SMBs’ (Small and medium business houses solution) to uncover the future face spaced growth with a seamless customer order journey experience.
Use Cases of Split Backorder for woocommerce
This plugin helps fashion stores admin to track the list of backorders received from the website and then the admin can focus on which products can be delivered on time and which items he needs to arrange or should get back in stock in order to fulfill customer demand or order placed for the same.
This plugin helps better order management, customer experience, and service.
- Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the /Plugins/ screen in WordPress- Split by backorder
2.1. Select Default setting – Split backorder
Do the backorders automatically get shipped out when new inventory comes in?
No, currently the admin will have to create shipment as and when needed.
Can I (admin) limit the number of backorders for a particular product?
No, there is no option for the admin to limit the number of backorders however admin can disable to take backorders.
Is this Plugin compatible with WordPress 5.6?
Yes, our Plugin is compatible with WordPress version 5.6.
Is this Plugin compatible with wordpress product types?
Yes, this Plugin supports wordpress product types.
Does the user make a one-time payment or is it multiple payments for the different orders created?
There is only one payment taken for all the items in the cart, once the order is placed it split into different IDs.
How are the payments for the order created in the Plugin taken?
It does not affect any payment process, works similarly to the default configuration.
Is it compatible with all payment gateways? Like Paypal
Currently, Our Plugin supports only PayPal payment gateway and offline payment methods.
How is the payment handled when we connect with a Payment Service Provider.
The payment is being taken before the order is split so the complete order amount is taken from the pay.
Will the customer pay multiple times?
Payment will be made only once for a complete order amount, later the order splits as per the items in the cart.
Is this a free plugin for Split Backorder for woocommerce?
Yes, this product is a free variant of split Backorder for woocommerce. This plugin contains only default features-Split backorder. When the admin chooses split backorders it will split all the products when if any product in the cart with the backorder/out of stock. So, if the customer adds four products in the cart and one is out of stock and there are three in stock then four orders will be created as per the default functionality.
What are the paid plugin features for Split Backorder for woocommerce?
The paid plugin available at Our store website Suncart store and this paid feature contain split backorder and in stock. This paid feature works well when the product out of stock and in stock too.
For more information, kindly visit our store website
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