這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。



This plugin registers the RactiveJS Framework library as part of WordPress. This means that Ractive scripts can be included in your plugins by just enqueuing the scripts. Please see FAQ for usage for your plugin.

NOTE: This does not add any ability to the wordpress front-end or back-end. The scripts are disabled by default and must be included in your plugin by enqueuing the scripts as you would for any other scripting engine. So to reiterate this plugin does not add any extra functionality on its own. It is designed to be used as a dependancy for other plugins.

Live, reactive templating

Ractive.js is a template-driven UI library, but unlike other tools that generate inert HTML, it transforms your templates into blueprints for apps that are interactive by default.

Powerful and extensible

Two-way binding, animations, SVG support and more are provided out-of-the-box – but you can add whatever functionality you need by downloading and creating plugins.

Optimised for your sanity

Some tools force you to learn a new vocabulary and structure your app in a particular way. Ractive works for you, not the other way around – and it plays well with other libraries.

RactiveJS: http://www.ractivejs.org/


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
How to use RactiveJS in my plugin?

This plugin is just a helper plugin to register the RactiveJS framework scripts into wordpress and allow them to be enqueued and utilized by other plugins. Below is an explaination of the script handlers you have to enqueue to activate RactiveJS and to activate any of the ractive-plugins used in conjunction RactiveJS.

How to Enqueue the RactiveJS Framework scripts:

    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-js');                RactiveJS Framework
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-hover');             Ractive.js hover event plugin
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-keys');              Ractive.js keys event plugin
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-mousewheel');        Ractive.js mousewheel event plugin
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-resize');            Ractive.events.resize
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-tap');               Ractive.js tap event plugin
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-touch-hammer');      ractive-touch
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-touch');             ractive-touch
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-typing');            ractive-events-typing
    wp_enqueue_script('ractive-viewport');          ractive-event-viewport
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-fade');      Ractive.js fade transition plugin
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-fly');       Ractive.js fly transition plugin
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-scale');     Ractive.js scale transition plugin
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-slide');     Ractive.js slide transition plugin
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-slide-horizontal');  Horizontal slide transition plugin for Ractive
wp_enqueue_script('ractive-typewriter');    Ractive.js typewriter transition plugin
Script Dependancies

Each of the scripts have dependancies. They are all queued as dependancies in the plugin. So if you forget to load the dependancy it will be automatically loaded for you.

ractive-js          No Depenancies
ractive-hover           ractive-js
ractive-keys            ractive-js
ractive-mousewheel      ractive-js
ractive-resize          ractive-js
ractive-tap         ractive-js
ractive-touch-hammer        ractive-js
ractive-touch           ractive-js, ractive-touch-hammer
ractive-typing          ractive-js
ractive-viewport        ractive-js
    ractive-fade            ractive-js
    ractive-fly         ractive-js
    ractive-scale           ractive-js
    ractive-slide           ractive-js
    ractive-slide-horizontal    ractive-js
    ractive-typewriter      ractive-js








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  • Remove getPluginURL function and replaced all references to it with plugins_url() WP Core function
  • Updated ‘ractive.min.js’ to v0.8.1
  • Updated ‘ractive-taps.min.js’ to v0.3.1
  • Updated ‘hammer.min.js’ to v2.0.8


  • Tested with version 4.7 of WordPress


  • Tested with version 4.6 of WordPress


  • Fixed error with ractive-tap plugin


  • hammer.js updated to 2.0.6
  • ractive-tap updated to 0.3.0
  • ractive-events-hover updated to 0.2.0
  • ractive-fade update to 0.3.1
  • ractive-slide updated to 0.4.0
  • ractive-slide-horizontal updated to 1.0.3


  • Added getPluginURL() function to return Globally the plugin URL. References plugin_url().’/ractive-js’
  • Added transitions to RactiveJS Plugin
  • Added transitions scripts to new function register_transitions_scripts()
  • Moved events scripts to the register_events_scripts() function
  • Minified all transitions scripts
  • Minified all events scripts
  • Minified the core RactiveJS file: ractive.js


  • Gold release