這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Posts Modified Date


Use Posts Modified Date plugin and Simply show post updated date before content in single post!!!

WordPress using for many purposes. Most of the bloggers want to show last update date in blog post. Example, when you publish an article in your blog, there are often times you might need to make updates. This plugin will help you to display post updated date before content in every single post.

If you want to change the title “Last Updated on:” or want to show this bellow content or need anything modification just contact with us! And don’t forget to give 5 stars ratings!!!

If you have any questions then ask here https://www.usefulblogging.com/add-last-updated-date-wordpress-blog-posts.

For example, if your article Posted on June 1, 2016, and you found out five days later that there was an update to the article. You can just edit the article, and it will show “(Last Updated On: June 5, 2016)” before content that article. Still there showing original published date in post info. So you’re going to show both dates published and updated to the readers. And this will help you to notice your readers that blog is always updated.

Just simply install Post Updated Date plugin and it will be automatically display Last Updated Date in your WordPress posts.


Do you have any question? Frequently ask your question.


2024 年 4 月 3 日
maybe a good idea, but most themes show the last modified date. This plugin broke my site today. just today, no idea why. to the trash.
2022 年 11 月 17 日 1 則留言
If you’re searching for a free, “done-for-you”, “ready-to-use”, Wordpress plugin to automatically display the “Last Updated On” date within each one of your posts, look NO further. This is the perfect plugin for YOU! And, the setup is too simple. Plus, you need NO knowledge of code. At my humble request, Ataul made it so that even my “Categories” section (a list of post titles and excerpts) would also show the “Last Updated On” date as I update posts. So, now each posts (in each of my categories) reads – published date and last updated date. You can check out the fantastic work that he did for me on my website – iLoveToLiveWell.com. He gets a 5-star for his wonderful plugin, a 5-star for his responsiveness, a 5-star for his willingness to help and a 5-star for his great customer service. Ataul has over 1,000 active users, and I’m now thrilled to say that I’m one of them! The only thing that I have left to say – Get this plugin. You’ll be so happy you did! Oh, and another thing I really like is that he uses the words “Last Updated On” instead of “Last Modified On”. Thanks Ataul. Keep up the terrific work! BTW, I don’t personally know Ataul – I’m just loving his helpful plugin. Blessings, Dianne Wawrzyniak-Marshall
2021 年 6 月 15 日 1 則留言
The plugin does what it’s supposed to do and the creator Ataul helped me with the translation of the plugin. Ataul responds very quick if you need some help! If you wanna see what the (translated) plugin looks like, you can see my posts at darmrevolutie.nl
2018 年 3 月 11 日
I’ve gone many years hoping to find a plugin to display date on our news stories on wwwTennisReporters.net. Post Updated Date allows us to do that! Great plugin!
閱讀全部 11 則使用者評論


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〈Posts Modified Date〉外掛目前已有 3 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Posts Modified Date〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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Tested with WordPress version 6.1


functions upgrade for WordPress latest version.


First Release