PLU Redux


PLU Redux displays a “Last Updated” date for all of your plugins installed by way of the WordPress Plugin Directory. On plugins that have not been updated in over two years, a warning emoji is displayed next to the last updated date.


Once activated, the plugin will automatically display the last updated date for each plugin in your site’s list of installed plugins. For the Site Health check, navigate to “Tools Site Health” in your WordPress dashboard.

Site Health Check

The custom Site Health check will list any installed plugins that have not been updated in 2 years.

  • If it finds any such plugins, it will return a “critical” status with the names of the old plugins.
  • If it doesn’t find any, it will return a “good” status, indicating that all installed plugins have been updated within the last 2 years.

WP-CLI Command

PLU Redux includes a WP-CLI command that displays the “Last Updated” date of installed plugins. Here’s how you use it: wp plu list

This command will output a list of installed (WordPress Plugin Directory listed) plugins alongside their “Last Updated” date. Plugins that have not been updated in over two years will be highlighted with an arrow () to the right of the “Last Updated” date.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plu-redux directory via SFTP, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. That’s it! The plugin will automatically display the last updated date for installed plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory.


How does the plugin determine if a plugin hasn’t been updated in over two years?

The plugin checks a public API — and caches the results in a transient for 24 hours — to see if the last updated date for a plugin installed on your site is older than two years. If it is, a warning emoji (⚠️) is displayed next to the “Last Updated” date.

Can I customize the warning emoji or the text that’s displayed?

Nope! The plugin does not currently support customization of the warning emoji or the text that’s displayed. Decisions, not options!

Does the plugin work with any plugins that are not in the WordPress Plugin Directory?

Sadly, no. PLU Redux only works with plugins that are available in the WordPress Plugin Directory.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈PLU Redux〉的開發相關工作。


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  • Added aria-label to warning emoji to improve accessability. Special thanks to Dale Reardon for letting me know about this!


  • Making an attempt to meet WP Plugin Directory requirements.
  • Added some documentation around the site health check to the README.


  • Plugin now uses site’s preferred date format.
  • Also cleaned up some wonky formatting. 😅


  • Added a Site Health check that lists any outdated plugins.


  • Fixed bug that would prevent plugin from being installable when WP-CLI is not available.
  • Added Git Updater header.


  • Added a WP-CLI command.


  • Brought code up to date.
  • Added feature where a warning emoji is displayed next to plugins that have not been updated in over two years.
