This PostLists Extension by Pascal Berger provides placeholders for the gigs, created with the WordPress Plugin “Gigs Calendar”, to be used within PostLists lists.
Available placeholders:
%ple_gigs_eventdate%: The date of the event.
%ple_gigs_eventnotes%: Event descriptions.
%ple_gigs_eventname%: Event name.
%ple_gigs_venuename%: The name of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venueaddress%: The address of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecity%: The city in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuestate%: The state in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecountry%: The country in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuepostalcode%: The postal code of the city in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecontact%: The contact of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuephone%: The phone number of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venueemail%: The email address of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuelink%: The website of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuenotes%: The remarks of the venue in which the event takes place.
%ple_gigs_venuecustommap%: The coordinates of the venue in which the event takes place.
This Plugin “ple-gigs” is a PostLists-Extension: You need the WordPress plugin “PostLists” to use it!
You can download the WordPress Plugin “PostLists” here:
PostLists is a Plugin for WordPress to add configurable dynamic lists of posts via simple placeholders to a page, post or to your sidebar. PostLists itself can also be extended via other WordPress Plugins (called PostLists Extensions) to add further functionallity to PostLists.
PostLists Extensions
You will find a list of all know extensions for the WordPress Plugin PostLists here:
Install and activate the WordPress plugins “PostLists” and “Gigs Calendar” first if you have not already done!
Gigs Calendar: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gigs-calendar/
PostLists: http://www.rene-ade.de/inhalte/wordpress-plugin-postlists.html
Installation of this PostLists-Extension: Upload the folder “ple-gigs” (with all files and subfolders) to your plugins directory (“/wp-content/plugins/”). Then activate the plugin “PostLists-Extension Gigs Calendar” in your WordPress admin panel.