Nginx Cache


NGINX Cache 外掛能在 WordPress 網站內容變更時,自動或手動清除 NGINX 快取 (FastCGI、Proxy、uWSGI)。


  • Filesystem API 必須在不要求認證的狀況下執行。
  • NGINX 及 PHP 必須使用同一個使用者執行,或 PHP 使用者具備寫入 NGINX 快取路徑的權限。


  • 外掛設定頁


如需進一步了解相關資訊,請參考 WordPress 外掛標準安裝程序

  1. 安裝並啟用外掛。
  2. 前往 [工具]→[NGINX] 設定 [快取區域路徑]。
  3. 大功告成。


2024 年 10 月 7 日
Another outstanding plugin from same developer who created Redis Object Cache Pro! The plugin is lightweight and effective for purging nginx cache, teaming this plugin with “syncthing” allows us to clear our caches across multiple servers in the pool. It’s part of our core.
2024 年 5 月 7 日
Best plugin I’ve ever come across. Does the job, for free, asks nothing in return, and is insanely minimal. Till is a legend.
2022 年 1 月 31 日
I have tried almost every cache plugin for WordPress during 10 years, many of them are very lightweight (which I prefer) such as WP Super Cache, Fastest Cache, Comet Cache, Cache Enabler… they are all great and work well. (Other cache plugins like WP Rocket, Swift Performance, W3 Total Cache, Litespeed LS cache, Nitropack are too bloated imo.) After some years I learned that actually if you have Nginx servers, and enable the FastCGI cache… you don’t need to use any “old-fashioned” cache plugins! Immediately I was addicted to this setup… launch $5 LEMP cloud server and enable FastCGI cache in my Nginx config, and fantastic performance with no more worrying about bloated plugins and errors with cache plugins. The problem? How to clear my Nginx cache? I was deleting the cache folder in my SSH window every time and super annoying. I discovered the EasyEngine plugin called Nginx Helper, it was fantastic! However, some of the settings did not require in my situation so I looked more. After that I finally found Mr. Till’s Nginx Cache plugin and very lightweight… This plugin is what I use now, very easy and no bloat. I can use this plugin for all LEMP script like WordOps, SlickStack, and Webinoly and everything in my entire server is free open source software. Great work! And your Redis Cache plugin too, a perfect match.
閱讀全部 23 則使用者評論


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〈Nginx Cache〉外掛目前已有 4 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Support newer versions of Nginx in validate_dirlist()


  • Fixed rare issue in validate_dirlist()


  • Added nginx_cache_zone_purged action


  • Improved translatable strings
  • Fixed auto-purge bug
  • Fixed bug when validating directory


  • Create cache directory if it doesn’t exists
  • Re-create cache directory after cache purge
  • Allow post types to be excluded from triggering a cache purge


  • Fixed 4.6 issue with file-system credentials


  • Improved testing of file-system credentials


  • Initial release