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Material3d is a platform for users to easily create and run 3d scenes with VR (Virtual Reality) device support on web browsers. Powered by three.js and react.js, the editor provides a visualized and WYSIWYG way to construct 3d scenes with objects, lights, cameras, textures, materials, animations, force fields and user interactions (mouse click, screen touch, and so on). The scenes could be inserted and run on pages or posts as shortcode or javascript.

With Material3d editor, users could build complicated 3d scenes, animations and interactions very fast. It’s very powerful and friendly for most common users even without any programming knowledge. It’s also very flexible for developers to customize and extend just by modifying a few javascript libraries.

The common application occasions of Material3d include product demonstration, scientific simulation, virtual reality, 3d user interaction for companies, researchers, students or educational institutes, and so on.

A lot of basic 3d objects, such as spheres, tubes, torus, lathes, extudes, texts, lines and particles, are provided. Construction of a scene and manipulation of 3d objects is easy, just by drag and drop with transform controls. By modifying parameters, 3d objects could be modified, moved, rotated or scaled precisely.

Materials, with various settings including colors, textures, environment maps, reflection and so on, make the appearance of 3d objects more realistic.

Animations, such as transformations, change of colors, could be applied to 3d objects.

Force fields, such as Newton Force, Collision, provide another convient way to produce animations with physical simulation.

Interactions, such as mouse move, click, VR handle button press, could be directly added to the scene to control animations, force fields and running of custom scripts.

Base on its good extendibility, more and more objects, materials, animations and forcefields will be added into Material3d libraies to make it more and more powerful.

External links and 3rd party services

The plugin contains a few external links to https://material3d.net on “M3d scenes” and “Help/Support” pages.
on the “M3d scenes” page, examples are listed linking to the gallery of https://material3d.net.
on the “Help/Support” page, there are a few links of tutorials and documentation and a question form redirecting to https://material3d.net.
The scenes created with the settings using Material3d.net libraries will import these libraries from https://material3d.net.
All libraries on Material3d.net are free to use except for some customized libraries required by users.
If you have any concern about personal data safety, please visit our Pravacy Policy: https://material3d.net/privacypolicy.html, or send email to support@material3d.net.


  • Material3d scene editor – 3d objects
  • Material3d scene editor – particles, lines and sprites
  • Material3d scene list


How to create a 3d scene

See https://material3d.net/forum.php to learn how to build a 3d solar system.

See https://material3d.net/documentation.html for detail.








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  • First public release.