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LINE Auto Post





  1. [プラグイン]メニューに移動し、[新規追加]をクリックします。
  2. “LINE Auto Post” を検索します。
  3. “LINE Auto Post” プラグインの横にある “今すぐインストール” をクリックします。
  4. プラグインをアクティブにします。
  5. [LINE Auto Post] メニュー > [初期設定] で、LINEの [チャネルアクセストークン] と [チャネルシークレット] を設定します。
  6. 投稿する際に [LINEにメッセージを送信する] にチェックを入れて保存します。


2022 年 7 月 8 日
I don’t know how much to rate? because of several reasons in my opinion, and giving 1 star in my opinion is a ridiculous reason. So, here are my comments: 1. Everything is only available in Japanese even up to the intended guide. Even so, the guide is quite easy because the steps are less than 3 if you don’t have an OA account, but if you already have one you only need to activate it on the OA website not on LINE DEV (only with add-ons capital the translation becomes easy) (*Important! A guide for those who already have OA is not provided by the dev of this plugin, but it’s easy you just need to go to the LINE OA site (where you usually post) then go to settings and activate the ‘Messaging API’ then return to the LINE DEV website, copy code and done.) 2. This plugin doesn’t work maybe because my broadcast message has run out, or something else because I also received an automatic error message from wordpress but for a few hours later I made an article again I didn’t receive the error message again. 3. 100% this plugin will not be useful, because of LINE’s policy several years ago, which in my opinion doesn’t make sense, namely broadcast messages can only be sent to 500 people (calculated per chat bubble used when sending messages are used) for the free version and You have to pay extra money to send messages. Example: in my country the standard paid version costs IDR 277500 ($18.5)/month | my followers are 40,000 – free quota fee send standard package messages 10,000/chat balloons/month = 30,000 x Rp 25/1 additional person/chat balloon = so I increase the price by Rp 750,000 ($50) for my other 30,000 followers and “this is only 1 sending broadcast messages only, the package quota has run out prematurely! and the next message I have to pay another 40,000 followers! that’s so incredibly crazy!” Therefore this plugin will not be 100% useful for those of you who have big followers even if you only have 500 followers it’s still crazy if you do that. So I can’t give this plugin 1 star for the above reasons, it’s actually an incredibly great plugin if LINE isn’t kidding about setting their new broadcast message pricing system. I can only give 3 stars for NEUTRAL, if there is a similar plugin without having to go through broadcast messages I will prefer it over this, unfortunately there are only 2 developers for LINE on wordpress as far as I can see at this time. I can only express my respect to the developers of this plugin for creating this amazing plugin. If only LINE had a broadcast system like it used to be under 2019 if I’m not mistaken (free broadcast messages) this would definitely be the most popular LINE WordPress plugin now.
2020 年 9 月 16 日
やっとLineをAuto Postしてくれるプラグインが出来て喜んでいましたが、作りが雑で何の設定も出来ない。私が考える問題は以下の通りです。改善をお願いします。 1. 新規投稿にのみしか対応していない。私のサイトはオリジナルのニュースを発行できるように投稿ページをカスタイマイズして作成してあるのでこのプラグインは使えない。 2. 送られるメッセージは自動的に生成されカスタマイズできない。 3. 送るか送らないかを選択するオプションが本分の下に出る。ツイッターのプラグインなどは右側に表示されて使いやすい。 4. 日本語のドキュメントしかない。
閱讀全部 5 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈LINE Auto Post〉的開發相關工作。


將〈LINE Auto Post〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • 2020-01-26 First release


  • 2020-05-29 初期設定時のリダイレクトの不具合を修正


  • 2020-12-26 編集者/投稿者も[LINE Auto Post] メニューを表示


  • 2021-06-06 WordPress 5.7.2 に対応


  • 2022-03-05 LINE Messaging API SDK for PHP をやめて、直接 LINE Messaging API を利用(ChannelSecret不要)
  • 2022-03-05 カスタム投稿に対応


  • Tested up to のバージョンを 5.9.1 に変更


  • Tested up to のバージョンを 6.0.0 に変更


  • 軽微な修正