
Plugin Directory

ThumbPress – 停用縮圖、重新產生縮圖、最佳化圖片、轉換為 WebP 格式、停用右鍵點擊、壓縮圖片及圖片編輯器等功能

ThumbPress – 停用縮圖、重新產生縮圖、最佳化圖片、轉換為 WebP 格式、停用右鍵點擊、壓縮圖片及圖片編輯器等功能


🚀 Pro Version | 🔵 Facebook | 🐦 Twitter | 👥 LinkedIn

How many images and thumbnails do you have on your WordPress site? Can’t count, right?

Managing those images and thumbnails is harder than counting them. ThumbPress, the one-stop WordPress image management plugin makes this easier than ever.

Check out the exciting features below:

👉 ThumbPress 的全部功能可以大幅加強 WordPress 網站的圖片管理

💥 停用縮圖尺寸
💥 重新產生縮圖
💥 Find Unused Images [Pro]
💥 Set Image Upload Limit
💥 Detect Large Images [Pro]
💥 Image Compression [Pro]
💥 Replace Images [Pro]
💥 Set Social Media Thumbnails
💥 Image Editor [Pro]
💥 Convert to WebP
💥 Disable Right Click on Image

Here are some of the key features of the ThumbPress plugin for WordPress Image Management –

🚀 停用縮圖尺寸

使用媒體上傳程式上傳圖片後,WordPress 會產生多種尺寸的縮圖/複本。依照預設,WordPress 會產生以下 5 種尺寸的縮圖:
– 縮圖尺寸
– 中型尺寸
– 中大型尺寸
– 大型尺寸
– 適合縮放的尺寸

依此原理,佈景主題及外掛也可以在 WordPress 網站中註冊專屬尺寸圖片,但有時這些額外尺寸的縮圖並沒有用途可言。



🚀 重新產生縮圖

Regenerate thumbnails on your WordPress site at any moment, regardless of their sizes. No more worrying about lost thumbnails — our WordPress plugin guarantees swift restoration, keeping your site’s visual appeal flawless and consistent. Start now and rebuild thumbnails on your WordPress site.

🚀 社交網路服務媒體縮圖

ThumbPress enables you to assign unique thumbnails for various social media platforms, ensuring that an image intended for Facebook remains uncropped when shared on Twitter or LinkedIn. You can upload distinct thumbnails for each social media site.

🚀 圖片上傳限制

Set a maximum limit for image upload size and resolution to ensure faster loading times. Our feature allows you to customize these parameters according to your website requirements and prevent oversized images from slowing down your site.

🚀 將圖片轉換為 WebP 格式

In WordPress convert images to WebP in bulk or one by one without any effort. Convert JPG or PNG to WebP from the comfort of your favorite WordPress dashboard and upgrade your website’s performance without sacrificing image quality. This advanced function ensures your images remain crisp and clear while reducing file size compared to traditional formats. The image conversion to WebP format helps you in SEO and gets you better rankings as Google recommends this format.

🚀 對圖片停用點擊右鍵

Disable the right-click function on your website, a simple yet effective way to deter visitors from downloading or copying your images and thumbnails. It’s a preventive measure that adds an extra layer of protection to your digital assets and keeps your visuals exclusive to your site.

👉 ThumbPress Pro 功能

🔥 偵測大型檔案圖片 (Pro)
🔥 偵測不再使用的圖片 (Pro)
🔥 壓縮圖片 (Pro)
🔥 將圖片替換為新版本 (Pro)
🔥 圖片編輯器 (Pro)

Check out our Pro Features and Pricing Plans

🌟 偵測大型檔案圖片

Find and compress oversized images, or delete them entirely to get back valuable server space. It’s a great way to improve user experience by speeding up your site’s loading time and streamlining media files directly on the WordPress dashboard.

🌟 尋找並刪除不再使用的圖片

Find unused images on WordPress and delete them by simply using ThumbPress. Unused images eat up your server space without adding any value to your website audiences. ThumbPress makes it easy for you to find all unused images and remove them from a very user-friendly interface with ThumbPress image optimizer.

🌟 Compress Images (The Easiest Image Compression Plugin on WordPress)

Optimize and have a blazing-fast website by using the WordPress image compression plugin ThumbPress. Our built-in WordPress image compression feature optimizes images to improve your site’s performance without losing visual quality. The plugin’s simple interface helps you compress WordPress effortlessly.

🌟 將圖片替換為新版本

Replace images with newer versions without changing their existing links. It ensures that the same image will show up properly if used elsewhere. It’s the perfect solution for maintaining visual relevance.

🌟 圖片編輯器

We always try to upload the finest image to the site after all the editing stuff is done. But, sometimes, the previously uploaded images may require some brush-ups. In such cases, one option is to upload quite new images. The WordPress image editor feature of ThumbPress enables you to edit them right on your WordPress Dashboard. Try our simple and compact image editor tool today and bring perfection to your WordPress images.


  • ThumbPress uses Intercom and its API to provide live chat support right from the dashboard.
  • Some third-party libraries are used to enable some features of the plugin. Kudos to the corresponding authors.


  • 模組設定
  • 停用縮圖尺寸
  • 重新產生縮圖
  • Detect Unused Images
  • Image Editor
  • Detect Large Images
  • Compress Images
  • Replace Image with New Version
  • Set Social Media Thumbnails
  • Set Image Upload Limit
  • Convert Images into WebP


  1. 將外掛安裝套件 ZIP 壓縮檔解壓縮所得的 image-sizes 資料夾上傳至 /wp-content/plugins/ 目錄中。
  2. 透過 WordPress 的 [外掛] 選單啟用外掛。
  3. 請前往管理後台左側的 [ThumbPress] 選單,然後選擇不要產生哪些尺寸的圖片。


What is ThumbPress?

ThumbPress is a comprehensive WordPress image management solution. It offers a wide range of features to optimize, manage, and protect images on a WordPress site.

ThumbPress 是否能搭配 WooCommerce 使用?

Yes, absolutely! All features of ThumbPress are fully compatible with WooCommerce.

這個外掛是否與 WordPress 多站網路相容?

可以。ThumbPress 與 WordPress 多站網路完全相容。

How does the disable and delete thumbnails feature work?

You will find your images displayed on the dashboard. Simply use our drag-and-drop interface to select the images you want to disable or delete from your media library.

Is it possible to bulk convert images to a different format with ThumbPress?

Yes, but you can only convert JPG and PNG images into WebP format.

Can I get back my old thumbnails?

從 3.0 版或更新版本開始,網站管理員能夠為網站上現有的圖片重新產生縮圖。僅需前往 [重新產生縮圖] 分頁,選取要重新產生縮圖的圖片並點擊 [重新產生] 按鈕即可。

Can I replace an image in the WordPress Media Library without changing its URL?

Yes, you can. ThumbPress lets you replace images and thumbnails with new versions without updating existing links anytime!




2024 年 12 月 5 日 1 則留言
their own site is a mess, when you install, you don’t have a certainty that you are in fact deleting unsued imaged and you might en up deleting images you are using. the webp converter reached more than 700% of completion when it isn’t failing and when you check out, you don’t see any jpg turned into webp.
2024 年 11 月 26 日 2 則留言
Beware… this plugin deletes almost all your media library and if you have products, guess what, you HAVE to restore a backup IF you have one… if not, you’re screwed. Shame on the developers, such crimes should be punished by law.
2024 年 10 月 26 日
u need to read options ,u can delete all by mistak
2024 年 9 月 25 日 2 則留言
This plugin is extremely useful, and a must for sites with a lot of images. I had a problem with activation of the Pro version, and the support team resolved the issue quickly and without fuss.
閱讀全部 103 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈ThumbPress – 停用縮圖、重新產生縮圖、最佳化圖片、轉換為 WebP 格式、停用右鍵點擊、壓縮圖片及圖片編輯器等功能〉的開發相關工作。


〈ThumbPress – 停用縮圖、重新產生縮圖、最佳化圖片、轉換為 WebP 格式、停用右鍵點擊、壓縮圖片及圖片編輯器等功能〉外掛目前已有 9 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈ThumbPress – 停用縮圖、重新產生縮圖、最佳化圖片、轉換為 WebP 格式、停用右鍵點擊、壓縮圖片及圖片編輯器等功能〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


2024-11-25 – v5.8.6

  • [imp] compatibility tested with WordPress 6.7.1

2024-11-20 – v5.8.5

  • [imp] compatibility tested with WordPress 6.7

2024-11-12 – v5.8.4

  • [imp] routine maintenance

2024-11-03 – v5.8.3

  • [imp] routine maintenance

2024-10-27 – v5.8.2

  • [imp] routine maintenance

2024-10-16 – v5.8.1

  • [add] added escaping functions for output
  • [imp] corrected escaping attribute format

2024-10-08 – v5.8

  • [fix] fixed ninja forms conflict issue
  • [imp] enabled necessary modules upon install

2024-10-02 – v5.7.5

  • [add] added escaping functions for output

2024-09-26 – v5.7.4

  • [add] added escaping functions for output
  • [imp] corrected escaping attribute format
  • [fix] fixed string and translation issue

2024-09-19 – v5.7.3

  • [add] added escaping functions for output

2024-09-12 – v5.7.2

  • [imp] code formatted
  • [imp] compatibility tested with WordPress 6.6.2

2024-09-04 – v5.7.1

  • [add] added escaping functions for output
  • [imp] corrected escaping attribute format
  • [fix] solved string and translation issue

2024-08-21 – v5.7

  • [add] added escaping functions for output
  • [imp] corrected escaping attribute format
  • [fix] solved string and translation issue
  • [rem] removed unnecessary DS_Store files

2024-08-11 – v5.6.1

  • [fix] fixed thumbpress constant issue
  • [fix] fixed font-awesome enqueue issue
  • [imp] updated text-domain
  • [imp] updated css classes

2024-08-08 – v5.6

  • [fix] fixed background actions for modules
  • [fix] fixed offset count issue
  • [add] new progress messages added
  • [imp] improved progress bar design
  • [imp] updated settings for modules
  • [imp] restricted double click on action buttons
  • [imp] optimized javascript code

2024-07-30 – v5.5.1

  • [fix] convert images action scheduler issue fixed
  • [fix] regenerate thumbnails real time ajax issue fixed

2024-07-30 – v5.5

  • [fix] convert images offset fixed
  • [imp] progress completion system improved
  • [imp] javascript code optimized
  • [imp] improved regenerate thumbnails progress
  • [imp] plugin activation time condition updated
  • [imp] code structure updated for compress images
  • [add] new css class added for buttons
  • [add] not found message added in multiple modules
  • [add] real time actions added using ajax in multiple modules

2024-07-15 – v5.4

  • [imp] integrated Action Scheduler into convert to WebP module
  • [imp] integrated Action Scheduler into some other modules
  • [imp] improved background process of regenerate thumbnails module
  • [imp] improved design issues of some modules

2024-06-09 – v5.3

  • [fix] fixed disable thumbnails drag-n-drop not working issue
  • [fix] fixed module interconnecting links not working issue
  • [imp] moved overview page contents to advanced features page

2024-05-31 – v5.2.4

  • [imp] Removed unnecessary wporg-assets folder

2024-05-29 – v5.2.3

  • [imp] optimized code and reduced plugin file size
  • [imp] improved style of disable thumbnails module
  • [imp] added links for interconnecting two modules

2024-05-21 – v5.2.2

  • [fix] Fixed the issue of stopping generating thumbnails

2024-05-21 – v5.2.1

  • [imp] removed pointer notice

2024-05-21 – v5.2

  • [fix] solved regenerate thumbnails issue
  • [imp] optimized javascript code

2024-05-20 – v5.1.2

  • [imp] removed admin notice from dashboard
  • [mod] changed leave a review button url

2024-05-15 – v5.1.1

  • [fix] Add New Plugin page refersh button onclick issue fixed

2024-05-09 – v5.1.0.2

  • [imp] code structure improved
  • [fix] sub-menu text changed
  • [fix] replace images issue fixed
  • [fix] convert all images issue fixed
  • [fix] convert images scaled issue fixed
  • [fix] delete original image after conversion issue fixed
  • [add] get image from attached file with scaled name function added
  • [imp] code cleaned and image mime type updated
  • [fix] action scheduler table issue fixed
  • [imp] check action scheduler table function updated
  • [add] create action scheduler tables if missing
  • [imp] check action table before activation and delete option table data
  • [imp] plugin settings slug changed
  • [fix] dashboard pointer issue solved
  • [imp] dashboard banner logic updated
  • [add] social share image single post check added
  • [add] social share image extra check added to avoid warning
  • [fix] scaled image regenerate issue fixed
  • [fix] scaled image thumbnail regenerate in background issue fixed

2024-05-01 – v5.0.2

  • [fix] fixed pinterest thumbnail in social share images module
  • [fix] fixed typographic issues in sereral modules
  • [fix] fixed Setup Wizard skip button URL
  • [fix] fixed some minor issues in Setup Wizard
  • [add] Pinterest pin support added for woocommerce product in social share images module
  • [add] fallback image meta tag added for Twitter card in social share images module
  • [imp] Pinterest pin meta tag updated in social share images module
  • [imp] improved some styles

2024-04-29 – v5.0.1

  • [fix] JS and CSS minified
  • [fix] Compat tested with WordPress 6.5.2

2024-04-29 – v5.0

  • [new] #### 🚀 Introduced modules-
    • Detect Unused Images
    • Set Image Upload Limit
    • Detect Large Images
    • Compress Images
    • Replace Image with New Version
    • Set Social Media Thumbnails
    • Image Editor
    • Convert Images into WebP
    • Disable Right Click on Image

View detailed Changelog from 👉 here.