Hello Dolly 不僅是一款外掛,這兩個字更是由 Louis Armstrong 演唱的著名歌曲,同時也象徵了整整一個世代的希望和熱情。啟用這個外掛後,網站管理後台各個頁面的右上角便會隨機出現《Hello, Dolly》這首歌曲的歌詞。
感謝 Sanjib Ahmad 對外掛橫幅圖片的貢獻。
Even many people give a lot of hate to this plugin, they should not! This plugin is not something that it’s useful your site operations, but it’s a nice boilerplate for people that they want to start building plugins for WordPress. It shows that you don’t need to write so much code to customize something in your WordPress app. It introduces the wptexturize function the get_user_locale, the admin_notices action hook and the admin_head action hook too. Yes it’s not the mode elegant thing that comes. But it can be educational for beginners
My WP account was hacked. Deleted. Found this was added to my website.
Not funny to me.
naysayers cannot optimise web sites
Garbage that automatically installs on a new website.
Why is this a default plugin on Godaddy and other wordpress installs?
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