HEIC Support


開放上傳 .heic 格式圖片至媒體庫,並在 .heic 格式圖片上傳完畢後,建立 .webp 或 .jpg 格式圖片複本,另外也提供替換已上傳的原始圖片、而非建立複本圖片的選用功能。

產生 .webp 或 .jpg 格式圖片複本的功能通常能於執行 ImageMagick 7 或更新版本的網站伺服器上執行。如果網站伺服器已安裝 ImageMagick 7,啟用外掛後便會在 [設定]→[媒體] 中看到 [HEIC 支援] 選單項目。


  • 位於控制台 [設定]→[媒體]→[HEIC 支援] 中的外掛設定


  1. 將外掛安裝套件解壓縮所得的 heic-support 資料夾上傳至網站的 /wp-content/plugins/ 目錄。
  2. 請在 [外掛] 畫面啟用外掛 ([外掛]→[已安裝的外掛])。

如果網站伺服器已安裝 ImageMagick 7,啟用外掛後便會在 [媒體] 中看到 [HEIC 支援] 選單項目。


閱讀全部 2 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈HEIC Support〉的開發相關工作。


〈HEIC Support〉外掛目前已有 6 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈HEIC Support〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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  • [Added] Adds a screenshot of the plugin settings.
  • [Fixed] Fixes a bug in the replace feature that prevented it from working in certain environments. See https://wordpress.org/support/topic/replace-does-not-work-because-of-file-type/
  • [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.3.2.


  • [Added] Adds .jpg support. Adds a setting to toggle whether images are converted to webp or jpg. Defaults to webp.
  • [Added] Show the settings section at Settings → Media even if ImageMagick is not installed. Explain to users that their host does not provide the library.
  • [Fixed] Removes layers from the icon .svg file.
  • [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.3.1.


  • [Added] Add filters around the webp format and image/webp mime type strings so they can be changed by other developers.
  • [Added] Adds an optional feature to replace .heic images rather than create a copy. A switch enables the feature at Settings → Media.
  • [Fixed] Updates an error message to stop mentioning a specific minimum version of ImageMagick. It was not accurate, and other dependencies like libheif could be missing that prevent conversions from working.
  • [Changed] Moves all plugin settings from Media → HEIC Support to Settings → Media.
  • [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.2.0.
  • [Removed] Removes the menu at Media → HEIC Support.


  • [Fixed] Fixes a bug that caused a parse error in PHP versions less than or equal to 7.2.
  • [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.1.1.


  • [Added] First public version. Adds .heic support to WordPress. If ImageMagick 7 or above is installed, creates .webp copies of .heic images uploaded to the Media Library.