開放上傳 .heic 格式圖片至媒體庫,並在 .heic 格式圖片上傳完畢後,建立 .webp 或 .jpg 格式圖片複本,另外也提供替換已上傳的原始圖片、而非建立複本圖片的選用功能。
產生 .webp 或 .jpg 格式圖片複本的功能通常能於執行 ImageMagick 7 或更新版本的網站伺服器上執行。如果網站伺服器已安裝 ImageMagick 7,啟用外掛後便會在 [設定]
[媒體] 中看到 [HEIC 支援] 選單項目。安裝方式
- 將外掛安裝套件解壓縮所得的
目錄。 - 請在 [外掛] 畫面啟用外掛 ([外掛] [已安裝的外掛])。
如果網站伺服器已安裝 ImageMagick 7,啟用外掛後便會在 [媒體] 中看到 [HEIC 支援] 選單項目。
2024 年 7 月 12 日
Out of curiosity (and for future planning), we installed this plugin to confirm it effectively converts HEIC images to either JPG or WebP images. Well, it certainly does!
This plugin works out-of-the-box and gets the job done. Simply make sure your host server has the ImageMagick module installed and activated. The plugin’s installation instructions provide the necessary guidance to verify the module is installed.
Thank you for this great plugin!
2024 年 3 月 19 日
If your contributors are Mac users, this plugin makes their lives (and yours) easier.
2023 年 1 月 11 日
It would be better if you can add an option to generate JPEG files when uploading
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.6.2.
- [Fixed] Shows better error output when ImageMagick is installed on the server but conversions cannot be completed.
- [Fixed] Uses a unique file name when creating test images in the uploads folder.
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.4.0.
- [Added] Adds a screenshot of the plugin settings.
- [Fixed] Fixes a bug in the replace feature that prevented it from working in certain environments. See https://wordpress.org/support/topic/replace-does-not-work-because-of-file-type/
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.3.2.
- [Added] Adds .jpg support. Adds a setting to toggle whether images are converted to webp or jpg. Defaults to webp.
- [Added] Show the settings section at Settings Media even if ImageMagick is not installed. Explain to users that their host does not provide the library.
- [Fixed] Removes layers from the icon .svg file.
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.3.1.
- [Added] Add filters around the webp format and image/webp mime type strings so they can be changed by other developers.
- [Added] Adds an optional feature to replace .heic images rather than create a copy. A switch enables the feature at Settings Media.
- [Fixed] Updates an error message to stop mentioning a specific minimum version of ImageMagick. It was not accurate, and other dependencies like libheif could be missing that prevent conversions from working.
- [Changed] Moves all plugin settings from Media HEIC Support to Settings Media.
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.2.0.
- [Removed] Removes the menu at Media HEIC Support.
- [Fixed] Fixes a bug that caused a parse error in PHP versions less than or equal to 7.2.
- [Changed] Changes the tested up to version to 6.1.1.
- [Added] First public version. Adds
support to WordPress. If ImageMagick 7 or above is installed, creates.webp
copies of.heic
images uploaded to the Media Library.