這個外掛會在 WordPress 網站上執行多項檢查,以便偵測常見的組態錯誤及已知問題,並且可讓外掛及佈景主題開發者加入必要的檢查。
外掛的偵錯功能可讓網站管理員收集 WordPress 網站及伺服器設定的相關資訊,這樣便能輕鬆地將必要資訊分享給佈景主題、外掛或官方 WordPress.org 技術支援論壇的技術支援代表。
[疑難排解] 功能能讓網站管理員執行乾淨的 WordPress 工作階段,此時會先將全部外掛停用,並使用預設佈景主題,且這個工作階段僅對當下的網站管理員有效,不會影響其他使用者。停用 [疑難排解] 功能或登出網站後,工作階段便會失效。
[工具] 分頁中的工具能讓網站管理員檢查 WordPress 核心程式檔案是否遭到竄改、電子郵件能否順利傳送,以及外掛是否能與未來的 PHP 版本更新相容。
如需更全面有效使用 Health Check 外掛的示範案例,請參閱 WordPress.org 技術支援小組撰寫的外掛手冊頁面。
非常歡迎大家在 WordPress.org 技術支援論壇及 GitHub 專案頁面,或透過官方 Slack 的 #forums 及 #core-site-health 頻道提出意見反應。
如因啟用 [疑難排解模式] 造成任何問題,清除瀏覽器 Cookie 便可將該模式予以停用。
不了解如何清除瀏覽器的 Cookie 嗎?不必擔心,請關閉所有瀏覽器視窗、或重新啟動電腦,便能自動清除因啟用 [移難排解模式] 所產生的 Cookie。
PHP 相容性檢查結果顯示這個外掛僅能執行於某個版本的 PHP?
用於檢查 PHP 相容性的工具無法區隔這類程式碼與真實程式碼,因此會顯示這類錯誤回應。
目前這個外掛已與 PHP 5.2 到 7.3 間的每個版本進行過測試,在全部版本上均能正確執行。
網站狀況團隊及 WordPress 社群對安全性程式碼錯誤一向嚴陣以待,我們非常感謝使用者披露相關發現所付出的心力,並會盡全力解決使用者提出的問題。
如需回報安全性問題,請參考 WordPress HackerOne 計畫。
以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Health Check & Troubleshooting〉的開發相關工作。
1.7.1 (2024-07-25)
- Security: Prevent a potential information disclosure from the screenshot beta feature, reported independently by Jarko Piironen.
- Security hardening: Make each screenshot delete nonce unique to that image.
- Security hardening: Add a capability check alongside the nonce validation when toggling beta features on or off.
- General: Updated the
Tested up to
tag. - General: Added notice about future changes to the Troubleshooting and Tools sections.
- Added Twenty Twenty Four as a known and valid default theme.
- Tools: Fixed a PHP warning when checking for PHP version compatibility and no data was found.
- Tools: Fixed a PHP warning when
is disabled, or nothing has been written to the logfile yet. - Tools: Improved the description for the
file viewer.
1.7.0 (2023-08-06)
- General: Improved styling inconsistency between the plugin and WordPress core.
- General: Fixed an issue with plugin translations where language strings would get mixed when using third party language plugins, or a separate profile language.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Fixed the URL used when disabling elements and having a subdirectory installation.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Fixed a deprecation warning when disabling troubleshooting mode on PHP version 8.3 or higher.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Added reference on how to troubleshoot as different users when testing scenarios.
- Tools: Fixed integration with WPTide for the PHP Compatibility checker.
- Tools: Added a viewer that will display debug log output when enabled.
- Tools: Added a warning to the File Integrity tester if unexpected files are mixed in with WordPress core files.
- Tools: Added a warning if sending emails is taking longer than expected.
- Tools: Added beta feature toggle for those who wish to test new functionality that may not be fully ready yet.
- CLI: Fixed the CLI commands, you can now
wp health-check status
to your hearts content! - Beta feature: Added a new beta feature, making it easier for non-technical users to grab screenshots of issues on their site, and share them.