Gutenberg 是使用 WordPress 建立全新典範的開發代號,這個典範旨在如 Johannes Gutenberg 引發的印刷術革命般改革網站內容發佈體驗。這個專案有 4 個階段,這 4 個階段會觸及 WordPress 的主要部分,分別為編輯、客製化、協同作業及內容多語化。
繼 2018 年 12 月導入內容區塊編輯後,Gutenberg 外掛在 2021 年導入全站編輯 (Full Site Editing,FSE) 功能,並在 2022 年年初發佈的 WordPress 5.9 正式推出全站編輯功能。
Gutenberg 的開發目的
Gutenberg 是 WordPress 區塊編輯器的測試版本,並導入模組化功能以達到修改整個網站的目的。這個外掛可以在文章或頁面中編輯個別區塊、新增並調整小工具,還可以使用全站編輯功能設計網站頁首、頁尾及導覽列。
在編輯器中的每項內容,無論是段落、圖片、圖庫或是標題,都是個別區塊。就跟現實生活中的積木一樣,使用者可以新增、排列及重新排列 WordPress 區塊,因此使用者能以直觀的方式建立豐富、多樣化的內容及網站版面配置,不再需要類似短代碼或自訂 HTML/PHP 程式碼等因應方式。
開發團隊始終致力於改善使用體驗、建立更多更好的區塊,並為未來的階段奠定基礎。WordPress 核心程式每次主要版本更新,都會包含 Gutenberg 外掛的穩定功能,使用者不需安裝這個外掛便能從中受益。
如果你是精通技術、喜歡測試最新實驗性功能,而且是不怕仍在開發階段的功能需要進行修補的早期使用者,這個 Beta 測試版外掛能讓你使用 Gutenberg 最新功能,例如最新區塊及全站編輯,以及其他有可能發佈的新功能。
Gutenberg 外掛能提供勇於測試及精通技術的使用者最新、最棒的功能,因此使用者能參與我們的測試、開發最新功能及使用區塊的過程,還可能會獲得貢獻的靈感或建置專屬區塊。
使用者線上說明文件:請參閱〈WordPress 編輯器〉線上文件,以便進一步了解作者如何使用編輯器建立文章、頁面及各種內容的詳細指示。
開發者線上說明文件:請參閱〈區塊編輯器手冊〉以進一步了解如何擴充編輯器的課程、說明文件及 API 參照資料。
參與者:Gutenberg 是開放原始碼專案,並且歡迎全部開發者、設計師、技術文件作者及編審人員參與。請參閱〈參與者指南〉以進一步了解能參與哪個部分的詳細資料。
Gutenberg 專案的開發中心在 GitHub 存放庫,專案的相關討論 (包含每週會議) 可在 Make Core 部落格及 #core-editor
這個 Slack 頻道進行。如果沒有 Slack 帳號,請在這裡註冊。
請在 Gutenberg 的 GitHub 存放庫的「待解問題」(Issues) 頁面回報程式碼錯誤、提出功能建議或其他意見反應。在提交問題前,請先搜尋是否已有其他使用者回報過類似的提問。
我們一直嘗試將使用者在外掛技術支援論壇回報的問題進行分類,但是將這些意見反應集中於 GitHub,有助於盡快獲得回覆。
Gutenberg 團隊及 WordPress 社群對安全性程式碼錯誤一向嚴陣以待,我們非常感謝使用者披露相關發現所付出的心力,並會盡全力解決使用者提出的問題。
如需回報安全性問題,請參考 WordPress HackerOne 計畫。
我需要使用 Gutenberg 外掛才能使用這些功能嗎?
不需要。WordPress 5.0 (含) 之後版本均包含 Gutenberg 外掛的功能,就是眾所周知的 WordPress 編輯器,全體使用者均能從 Gutenberg 的穩定功能中受益。
如果使用者想使用最新、包含實驗性項目的 Beta 版測試功能,才需要使用這個外掛。請參考這篇文章,協助決定這個外掛是否適合你的網站。
何處可獲得各個 WordPress 核心程式發佈版本所納入的 Gutenberg 外掛版本資訊?
請參閱〈WordPress 整合的 Gutenberg 版本〉,便能從文件表格展示的資料,獲得在各個 WordPress 核心程式發佈版本所納入的 Gutenberg 外掛版本資訊。
這個專案的 4 個階段為內容編輯、客製化、協同作業及內容多語化,這些階段可從 Matt 在 2021 年、2020 年、2019 年及 2018 年的演說中得到進一步了解。此外,大家也可以追蹤 Make WordPress Core 部落格上雙週發佈通知及專案計畫每月更新,以進一步取得更多即時的最新資訊。
如何進一步了解 Gutenberg 相關資訊?
Do you have DOGE in your company? Maybe you should, why bother developing this if nobody using it. It’s really a hustle to uninstall this plugin every time i build new website. Maybe you shouldn’t include it in a package?
Gutenberg et son extension pour WordPress sont de très bonnes initiatives, offrant une approche simple et fluide de la création de contenu. Ces outils méritent davantage de soutien de la part de la communauté open source. En tant qu’utilisateur, je privilégie la simplicité et la frugalité, que j’espère trouver dans Gutenberg, contrairement aux page builders payants qui privilégient la complexité. J’encourage à poursuivre dans cette direction.
Gutenberg and its WordPress extension are great initiatives, offering a simple and streamlined approach to content creation. These tools deserve more support from the open-source community. As a user, I value simplicity and frugality, which I hope to find in Gutenberg, unlike paid page builders that focus on complexity. I encourage continuing in this direction.
Thanks the team even if lot of things still to be done…
“Do not fear being slow, only fear being stopped…”
Hello. Unfortunately, this Gutenberg editor seems not to be born to be an editor. It’s very difficult for it to become one as it grows. Many of my acquaintances and clients are struggling to use it. We try to teach them, but it’s so hard that they give up. That’s why they all feel very happy when they switch back to the classic editor.
Because they are just adding text and images. They still use the classic editor for e-commerce.
For these reasons, Gutenberg will never become the default editor in WordPress.
I have a suggestion to make this work better.
When content is added with Gutenberg, it could initially be a simple WYSIWYG editor, still using Gutenberg. Similar to the comment box we use here. If it had tools for adding images and other Word-like features like bold, italic, image addition… Maybe it could also just be a simple column where text and images can be added. In other words, a default block similar to TinyMCE. Additionally, there could be a button for switching to block mode at the top, which opens the block editor when clicked. If a design is required, this button would be used; otherwise, there could be a simple interface similar to TinyMCE by default… I think if something like this is implemented, many people will start to like the Gutenberg editor.
Good luck!
Gutenberg is unusable, so many redundant options, common actions moved into sub-menus adding extra clicks everywhere. Very frustrating to use and delays progress when working.
When I originally reviewed this editor I gave it 1 star. Months later I changed my review to 3 stars and now I’m going to 4 stars.
In the beginning there were too many bugs and it wasn’t integrated enough. It truly was a 1 star editor when Automattic decided to ship it with whatever version that was that this first appeared in core. I still believe it needed more time.
In fact, it shouldn’t have been included in core until around now. The gun was jumped.
Now that I’ve had time to enjoy full block themes with the full site editor, and now that there are many add on blocks out there, it’s nice. It makes creating a new page with multiple columns very easy. Or, as a great example, I found a contact form block. I’ve never been able to add a contact form that quickly.
Overall, once you learn where everything is, it’s very powerful and fun to use. Most of the time.
There are still quirks. One is that depending on the height of a block, number of columns, and alignments, you might click forever trying to select one column and never succeed. Unless you revert changes and try again.
But, when it works, it’s a better editor than the classic TinyMCE editor.
Now I don’t want it to go away. I just want it to continue to improve.
After years of development, Gutenberg still sucks just as much as when it first came out.Matt W, who forced Gutenberg on us all doesn’t even know how to use it properly. He lost a speed build competition because he didn’t find GB easy enough to use (see the competition here: youtube dot com/watch?v=BzduYKuZAIg)
I really tried to use it, as i believe in websites with as few plugins as possible.But there is no way my websites will be better without using pre-made blocks by premium providers (kadence or similar). So i might as well stick to page builders.
I have delivered websites to 50+ clients, and all of them need tutorials on how to use the GB editor for something so simple as blog posts (which is only text and images).They all knew how to use the previous editor, but this one overwhelms absolutely everyone.
Until the feedback is obvious enough to change direction of this horrible editor, i’m sticking with Bricks Builder (which is amazing btw).Bricks Builder has existed for a shorter time span than Gutenberg editor, and it’s a full-blown site editor. I don’t understand the scope of the failure of this project (except for the obvious fact that Matt doesn’t listen to the thousands of feedback and complaints from the community).
Good luck!
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