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2017 年 2 月 27 日
This simple tool had great impact on our sign-ups. We note that from every 4th social media recommendation we got one new client. Really recommend!
2017 年 2 月 18 日
For me it happened like this this girafi.co website is saying.
Simply sales get boosted, but what is more worthy:
– before it and during I’ve noticed that it is a strong community builder,
– my website get so many shares … like viral strategy,
– of course I’ve gathered plenty of emails for my newsletter purposes,
and again as they said,
I’ve got an honest feedback straight from my users.
Normally it could be a harsh process.
Cheers WOOer’s.
2017 年 2 月 18 日
Hi, I am the author of the plugin and I tested it on several sites to make sure everything works well.