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Genesis Visual Hook Guide


Once a tool for myself the Genesis Visual Hook guide has slowly evolved into what it is today. I finally welcome the plugin version of the popular Visual Genesis Hooks and Filters Guide from Genesis Tutorials.

Once installed this plugin adds a drop down menu to the admin bar to select between three views (Hook, Filter, and Markup). Select an option or all three to see the hooks in their actual locations on your current theme.

Great companion to Genesis Simple Hooks.

Genesis Theme Framework required.


  • Plugin in action on the default Sample Child Theme.
  • Hooks in Document Head.


  1. Upload the entire genesis-visual-hook-guide folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the entire genesis-visual-hook-guide folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
I have my admin bar disable, can I still view the hooks without it?

Sure! The views are triggered by a query string. Simply add ?gvhg_markup=show ?gvhg_hooks=show or ?gvhg_filters=show to the end the url.


2018 年 7 月 13 日
Used to be great for editing and styling your web. But it does not work with the last version of Wordpress.
2016 年 9 月 3 日
I’ve used this for a long time when working with Genesis themes. But nothhing beats seeing it outlined in the theme you are working on! This is now a standard install for all my development setups whenever I’m using Genesis. It’s really helpful. 🙂
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  • Added: Activated notice.
  • Added: Automating the locating of hooks (props salcode)
  • Changed: Main file name updated to match plugin slug. Due to this, plugin will need to be reactivated.
  • Changed: Query strings to display hooks, filters, and markup are now gvhg_hooks, gvhg_filters and gvhg_markup.
  • Changed: Action hooks no longer have descriptions. This will be re-added in a later release.
  • Fixed: Escapes output of add_query_arg
  • Fixed: Filter hooks genesis_seo_title and genesis_seo_description names were displayed wrong.


  • Added: Clear menu item to disable all active displayed views. (Props salcode)
  • Fixed: Don’t add actions onto genesis’ hooks unless displaying. (Props jb510)
  • Fixed: The textual value echod from gvhg_ping_author_says_text function was incorrect.
  • Updated: Simplified filter hook callbacks. (Props garyj)


  • Added: New Hooks from Genesis 2.0 (HTML5):
  • Added: New markup containers and classes for Genesis 2.0 (HTML5):
  • Fixed: Added filter for genesis_footer_creds_text.