Genesis Simple Share


Genesis Simple Share 是為了 Genesis 子佈景主題所開發的易用外掛,我們試著讓預設設定及安裝方式變得更加簡單。

預設設定應該足以在文章中自動啟用分享圖示。如需變更設定,請在 WordPress 控制台中的 [Genesis]→[Genesis Simple Share] 中進行必要操作。

進入外掛設定頁面後,便能設定分享功能要啟用於哪些內容類型、是否要在彙整頁面啟用分享功能,以及要使用的圖示樣式,還能透過拖放圖示變更網站的分享圖示排列順序;此外,也能將 Twitter 使用者名稱加入 Twitter 分享圖示中,這能讓文章分享至 Twitter後,在推文中加入「來自 @username」字樣,還能為沒有圖片的文章加入預設圖片。


下載最新版本的 Genesis Simple Share 外掛安裝套件,並在 WordPress 控制台手動上傳安裝,或透過 FTP 將解壓縮所得的資料夾上傳至 wp-content/plugins 目錄中,然後啟用外掛。



我們在外掛的 GitHub 存放庫提供了一份微型知識庫,裡面有適用於多數使用者的實用技巧。


2020 年 7 月 9 日
This plugin pulls my featured image, not my Pinterest image (which is coded for Pinterest). Also, there’s no option for email. Too bad, I was hoping it would have worked better.
2019 年 12 月 30 日
The plugin is great and I like it, but you can add the option of instagram, email, whatsapp to share. thanks
2018 年 8 月 18 日
To the Developers: Nice little plugin you have there. I got tripped up initially by not properly setting the ‘Icon Display Position’ option. I like the fact that the plugin allows users to target custom post types (both single- and archive-template pages). The ‘Live Preview’ feature in the Admin is cool too. It allows plugins users to preview how the social icons will appear on the front end. Thanks for developing and sharing this plugin with the community.
2018 年 2 月 18 日
The share icons look fantastic on my site, very clean and minimal, and the top ‘n’ bottom placement is great too. So I’d love to keep using the plugin but I cannot because it only lets people pin my posts’ Featured Image to Pinterest. Another share plugin I’m using instead lets the reader choose from all the images in a post, so they can choose the vertical one I made for Pinterest. If Genesis Simple Share allowed this I’d come back to it, because it does look beautiful. Unfortunately, functionality is more important to me right now. I don’t want to be negative. I’ve not been using Genesis for long but I love it so far and do appreciate all the work that goes into everything. Again, if you can make the Pinterest share behave as described above, I think you’d make a lot of bloggers more likely to use this plugin.
閱讀全部 33 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Genesis Simple Share〉的開發相關工作。


〈Genesis Simple Share〉外掛目前已有 7 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Genesis Simple Share〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Fix issue sharing with Twitter.


  • Change Twitter/X icon.


  • Changed ownership from StudioPress to OsomPress. You can read more details about it in


  • Tested on WordPress 5.2.2


  • Removed Facebook counter.


  • Fixed a bug where the share buttons where not showing.


  • Dropped Google+ support.
  • Dropped StumbleUpon.
  • WordPress Coding Standards applied.


  • Add missing asset files.


  • Added: Setting for hiding the count
  • Added: Post meta option to specify share URL
  • Added: Fix for changing to HTTPS
  • Fixed: Count is now hidden on GooglePlus button because g+ has dropped this feature
  • Fixed: Conflicts when waypoint script is not correctly loaded in some pages
  • Improved: Now uses SASS to build CSS and GULP to minify JS and CSS so files are smaller and load more quickly


  • Fixed: Facebook count continues to work after recent Facebook API changes.


  • Fixed: LinkedIn button works with recent change to LinkedIn API. Note, the button now uses the sharrre.php file to fetch results, which can cause problems accessing share counts with some hosts depending on settings.


  • Fixed: potential xss vector


  • Fixed: styling tweeks for twitter button without count.


  • Fixed: styling issues following removal of share count.


  • Include a force to show argument in icon output functions.
  • Disabled Twitter counter for now because twitter is removing the ability to get the counts after 10-2015.


  • Fix error resulting in double icon output.


  • Fix error where icons do not show in archives when showing the excerpt.


  • Fixes potential error where only first post in archive will show share buttons.


  • Initial release.