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Folder Slider


This plugin creates picture sliders (slideshows) from a folder.
The pictures folder must be uploaded (using FTP) somewhere on the server (e.g. wp-content/upload).

To include a slider in a post or a page, you have to use the following shortcode :

[folderslider folder="local_path_to_folder"]

An Options page allow to set the default paramaters of the sliders :

  • Transition Mode (mode): horizontal, vertical, fade
  • Caption Format (captions): none, filename, filenamewithoutextension, smartfilename (filename with underscores, extension and front numbers removed)
  • CSS (css): change the frame around slider: ‘noborder’, ‘shadow’, ‘shadownoborder’, ‘black-border’, ‘white-border’, ‘gray-border’
  • Width and Height of the slider (width and height)
  • Speed (speed): time between slides in seconds
  • Previous/Next Buttons (controls): true or false
  • Play/Pause Button (playcontrol): true or false
  • Start Slider Automatically (autostart): true or false
  • Pager (pager): true or false

Default slider width is the width of the first picture unless the attribute width is set to a non-zero value. The height is calculate for each picture (to keep ratio) unless the attribute height is set to a non-zero value.

Most of theses settings can be overridden using the corresponding shortcode attribute:

[folderslider folder="wp-content/upload/MyPictures" width=500 
    mode=fade speed=2.5 captions=smartfilename controls=false css="gray-border"]

This plugin uses bxSlider 4.2.5 by Steven Wanderski – http://bxslider.com

Sample, contact available at http://jalby.org/wordpress/


  • Folder Slider Settings
  • Folder Slider in a post


  1. Unzip the archive folder-slider.zip
  2. Upload the directory ‘folder-slider’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Upload a folder of pictures to ‘wp-content/upload/MyPictures’
  5. Insert the following short code in post or page :

    [folderslider folder=”wp-content/upload/MyPictures”]


Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip the archive folder-slider.zip
  2. Upload the directory ‘folder-slider’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Upload a folder of pictures to ‘wp-content/upload/MyPictures’
  5. Insert the following short code in post or page :

    [folderslider folder=”wp-content/upload/MyPictures”]


閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Folder Slider〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Folder Slider〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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1.1.3 [2017-11-18]

  • WPML fix option
  • Misc bugs fixed

1.1.2 [2017-08-12]

  • PHP7 compatibility
  • Update bxSlider to 4.2.12

1.1.1 [2015-10-12]

  • Update bxSlider to 4.2.5
  • New CSS setting/option replacing CSS/Show box with shadow.
  • Shadow option can be set per slider.
  • When width option is set to 0, slider’s width is set to the width of first picture (instead of 100 %)
  • Speed (in seconds) may be decimal (e.g., 1.5)
  • Fix a bug with ML Plugin

1.0 [2014-02-02]

  • Support for several sliders (with different settings) on the same page

0.94 [2013-08-22]

  • Safari bug fixed

0.92 [2013-08-20]

  • HTML tag bug fixed

0.91 [2013-08-19]

  • CSS bug fixed

0.9 [2013-08-19]

  • First released version