這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

EZ Aframe


A simple plugin that allows you to create, view and manage AFrame content in WordPress. Content is saved in the database and viewed using a shortcode. Content editor and creation tool are included.


This plugin uses AFrame version 1.3.0 + AFrame Extra and a custom build of AFrame Inspector for the creation tool. So it may share some bugs and limitations with them.

How to use

At the admin dashboard, there is a EZ Aframe menu in the sidebar.


List of your projects.

Add New

To add/create new content.


After clicking “Add New” or “Edit” content/project, you will be taken to this page. Click “Start Studio” to start editing/creating. This studio is based on AFrame Inspector. Please go to this page for more info and a usage guide.


Assets like texture and model(.glb & gltf) can be uploaded to the WordPress media library. For texture, there are 2 buttons. The first one is a built-in/default texture chooser that includes with AFrame Inspector. The second one is for the WordPress media library. For the model, there is a button beside text input. Use that button to open the WordPress media library. Only for gltf(with glb or gltf extension) file is supported. Glb is recommended.


The toolbar is below the “Close Studio” button.

Add New Entity

First button is for add new empty entity to the scene.


Second button is for playing the scene. Some components may not run in editing mode.


Button with gltf icon. Use this button to export scene into gltf model. Please note that component is not working at other editing tool.


Use this button to save scene into database.


To open info about this content/project. You can edit title and description here. You can get your content/project shortcode here.

Add Object

Big button below other buttons. This will open the menu which contains primitives objects and template.



This plugin dont have a premium feature. And I don’t have any plan to make a premium feature. If you find this plugin useful, please consider donating at the link below. It’s not much, but there is some extension for this plugin that may be useful for you.


  • Dashboard
  • Toolbar
  • Texture input. (1) default . (2) worpress media library
  • Choose texture from media library.
  • Gltf input
  • Choose model from media library.
  • Object/Template menu
  • Primitive object
  • Project Info


2023 年 6 月 4 日
Great idea to put A-Frame in a plugin right along with an Inspector in a WP plugin. This really takes a lot of work off your hands and is available so instant.I don’t know if it is thought of to provide the scenes also in frontend posts as a block. But you can also simply copy the scenes as pure HTML and use them in the block editor.
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  • Initial Release