WordPress 更新至 5.5 版後,便不再預設啟用移轉工具 jquery-migrate
這個外掛提供一個暫時性的因應措施,它能為 WordPress 5.5 的網站啟用移轉指令碼,以便讓 (網站已採用的) 外掛及佈景主題開發者,能夠有更多時間完成程式碼更新及測試。
隨著 WordPress 5.6 的更新,內建的 jQuery 版本也一併升級。這代表以前觸發警告的舊版程式碼,現在會造成網站執行錯誤或全面停擺。
這個外掛能讓網站降級至舊版 jQuery 一段時間,但網站管理員仍應積極修復基礎問題。
- 將壓縮檔解壓縮後所得的
資料夾。 - 請於 [外掛] 頁面啟用這個外掛。
- 大功告成!這個外掛會自動為網站處理接下來的工作。
WordPress 5.6 發佈後的變更
隨著 WordPress 5.6 的發佈,內建的 jQuery 也一併完成了更新;這代表之前會出現「淘汰不用項目警告訊息」的外掛或佈景主題,現在會造成網站發生錯誤。這個外掛能讓網站在發生這類錯誤時,暫時性的改用舊版 jQuery 以修正程式碼或更換為其他程式,並且會在網站訪客讓網站產生第一次錯誤時就自動採取這項暫時性措施。
請參閱 WordPress.org 上的〈使用瀏覽器診斷 JavaScript 錯誤〉線上說明。
這個外掛不會記錄已遭淘汰不用的項目或變更 jQuery 版本
如果網站使用任何會合併 JavaScript 檔案,或以非同步方式載入 JavaScript 檔案,則這類外掛便會受到負面影響,導致無法如預期般執行。
如果網站需要這個外掛才能運作,請停用會以上述方式載入 JavaScript 檔案進行互動的外掛。當基礎問題解決後,網站管理員變可以移除這個外掛並重新啟用其他工具。
如果 WordPress 網站升級後發生異常狀況,網站管理員便可以為網站安裝並啟用這個外掛。如果安裝啟用這個外掛後異常狀況有了緩解,請保持這個外掛的啟用狀態,並遵循外掛顯示的相關說明。當網站不再需要這個外掛時,外掛會顯示相關提示。
使用 jQuery v3 時,出現很多「淘汰不用項目警告訊息」
對 WordPress 來說,jQuery v3 是非常新的版本,因此這些都是可預期的狀況。
v 1.4.1 (2024-12-25)
- Update jQuery version reference to match WordPress core.
- Tested on latest WordPress core release.
- Added some more urgency to the weekly reminder email if outdated jQuery versions are used, as they may not include the latest security patches.
v 1.4.0 (2023-07-31)
- Fixed a bug where an empty error text would cause the plugin scripts from working properly.
- Improved how inline scripts are detected and logged when applicable.
- Improved logging to also capture deprecations within WordPress core.
- Changed variable declarations for front-end scripts to use
instead ofconst
, to improve compatibility for sites servicing older clients. - Updated the (modern) bundled jQuery Migrate script to match what is shipped with WordPress core.
v 1.3.0
- Added legacy jQuery UI to be loaded if legacy jQuery is in use.
- Added mention of site URLs in automatic emails.
- Added option to enable/disable automatic downgrades.
- Added logic to ensure only one downgrade request is sent per page load.
- Updated logic around automatic downgrades for improved performance.
- Fixed core deprecation notices being incorrectly labeled as undetermined inline ones.
v 1.2.0
- Added settings page
- Added option for downgrading to legacy jQuery
- Added automatic downgrades
- Added option to log deprecations in modern jQuery
- Added e-mail notifications
- Added weekly email digest of deprecations
- Added option to allow logging deprecations from anonymous site visitors
- Changed the handling of inline JavaScript code causing deprecation notices
- Changed the admin bar to be two fixed links to avoid ever changing contexts
- Changed the admin notices to be persistent when using legacy jQuery after upgrading to WordPress 5.6
- Changed how concatenation is disabled, to address public-facing performance concerns
- Fixed recommendation to remove plugin when not logging any deprecations having the wrong logic and not being displayed.
v 1.1.0
- Added option to dismiss deprecation notices in backend
- Added logging of deprecation notices in the front end
- Added admin bar entry to show when deprecations occur
- Added view of logged deprecations
- Added dashboard notice encouraging users to remove the plugin if no deprecations have been logged in a while (1 week).
- Changed the time interval between showing the dashboard nag from 2 weeks to 1 week, as WordPress 5.6 comes closer.
v 1.0.1
- Fix one of the admin notices being non-dismissible.
v 1.0.0
- Initial release.