這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Docs to WordPress


This plugin will grab docs out of a collection in Google Docs, create or update a post in WordPress and then move the doc to a new collection. Google Docs no longer supports xmlrpc, so this is perhaps the easiest way to move content from your Google Docs account to your self-hosted WordPress install.

You can see more details at http://dev.bangordailynews.com/2011/06/16/marrying-google-docs-and-wordpress-or-really-any-cms/


  1. Upload docs-to-wordpress to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Create a Google App for your website.
  4. Enter Client ID and Client Secret into settings page.
  5. You should be redirected to a Google login page. Grant full permissions.
  6. If you wish, activate the extender plugin that removes formatting from Google Docs and removes comments, placing them in a separate meta box
  7. To run the plugin, you will need to either activate the included Cron Extender or put code in a separate file and point a cron job to it.

Tara Kerwin has made a helpful installation walkthrough video available at https://youtu.be/oFLjn2VOn-U

To run using WP CRON

Activate the cron extender.

To run using real cron

Create a file to run cron against, and put the following code in it:

$docs_to_wp = new Docs_To_WP();
$results = $docs_to_wp->startTransfer();

You will need to have a folder to draw the docs from and an optional folder to put the docs in after they’ve been processed.

First create the folder that you want to store unpublished docs in. This is your “Origin” folder. Next create the folder that you will move converted files to. This is the “Target” folder. If you’re using Cron, you’re going to want to write stories in a separate folder, and then move them to the Origin folder for publishing, when they’re ready.


2016 年 9 月 3 日
Great feature to push Google Docs to WordPress. Installation required some patience; a value check for the WP configuration would be great; somehow I had several URLs in the input fields. Re-editing in gDocs and then moving it back into the origin folder is working (cron). After re-editing/re-submission the previous WP Category setting were gone. I did not explore the formatting behavior. Super plugin for a tech-savvy admin/developer. Don’t let this project die. Idea: In the WP settings give me a field for an email address and send me a message w/ link for each new post. Also a check box would be great to choose between draft and publish for new posts. [ Signature moderated ]
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Do not think you can use this plugin unless you have advanced tech/coding skills. The installation instructions are incomplete & vague. Even getting clearer instructions from the WP Support forum did not succeed in getting it installed. The idea of this plugin is wonderful. But it requires installing three files & a variety of ancillary coding/setup involving Google API configuration that it quite daunting, especially without clearer instructions about how to do it. That being said, if you have all these coding skills, you’ll love this plugin.
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Version bump. Removes anonymous functions, so it can be used as far back as PHP 5.2


Update to remove deprecated Google API and use Drive API v2
Updates to code to clean it up, remove extraneous loops.
Added Options page. Changes to make it easier to use.


Use HTTPS instead of HTTP, per new Google API spec.

Fix a few bugs with carrying over bold and italic


In extend-clean.php, extract the styles and apply them so bolding and italicizing goes through. Also, don’t strip heading styles. Props nacin and Rob Flaherty.


Added the cron extender


Initial release