Classic Widgets 是由 WordPress 團隊維護的官方外掛,它能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面。官方會提供的完整技術支援及維護直至 2024 年,或視需要延長/縮短期限。
啟用這個外掛且網站使用的是傳統 (非區塊) 佈景主題時,便會還原舊版小工具設定畫面,並在管理小工具的畫面停用區塊編輯器。這個外掛不須進行設定,透過這個外掛的停用或啟用,便能控制傳統小工具設定頁面的啟用或停用。
不需要。這個外掛不需要設定。這個外掛能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面,並在管理小工具的畫面停用區塊編輯器。
It use to work great and was a much added addition to my installs of plugins, but since Wordpress keeps updating their core, it’s now broken. All my social links (Jetpack) icons no longer show up. I can hover over them and see the links, but the icons are no longer showing up anymore.
This is one of the first plugins I install on any WordPress website and I am immensely pleased it exists. The block based widget editor is dreadful to use in comparison, I’ve tried to use it several times over the past couple of years since it was introduced and found it to be unintuitive, prone to errors, and easy to make mistakes with. I’ve tried so many times, I’ve completely given up on it and regardless of any updates, bug fixes, etc, I won’t be using it until it comes to a point where Classic Widgets is deprecated.
Classic Widgets gives me a lot more control over the look of the widgets. I design/develop the widgets to look as they need too. Clients don’t need confusing options. I like the simplicity of this UI, and it’s flexibility.
I wish this was installed by default. It is part of what made WordPress a so popular.
I’ve installed lattest version of wordpress(6.5.5). i didn’t find “widgets” tab in Appearance and install “Classic Widgets” to solve the issue. But nothing happened. There is only one plugin on the site -> “Classic Widgets”. Others themes don’t have “widget” tabs as well. Absolutely useless.
We love this plugin. Please maintain it for years and years beyond 2024!
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以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Classic Widgets (傳統小工具)〉的開發相關工作。
Update for 5.9.
Update filter name.
Initial release.