這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Change Core Slugs


Change Core Slugs is a plugin that allows you to set custom permalink slugs instead of default ones that are provided with WordPress core. This functionality is already available in WordPress, however it can be used by manually setting new configuration in the code. What this plugin does is that it provides friendly user interface where all site admins can change default slugs.

You can change:

  • author base in authors archives
  • search base in searches archives
  • page base in pagination pages of archives or in single posts
  • comments-page base in pagination pages of single posts comments
  • comments base in comments feeds
  • feed base in feeds

When you change any slug, you will not get redirection from the pages that used old slug. Same goes if you again change any slug. If you want redirection, you must set it through server rules or with other plugins.

If you disable this plugin, old, default slugs will be restored and URLs with new slugs will stop working. The only way to keep new slugs is by manually setting them in the code.

NOTE: because of two bugs in WordPress core, in some cases setting custom slugs will not work properly. These cases are when page or comments-page include any non-ASCII character (ticket #41891), or when feed or comments bases are set (ticket #43274). Until these two bugs are fixed, you can use temporary plugin that includes fixes. You do not need that plugin if you do not use features that trigger bugs from above.

And it’s on GitHub.


Got to Settings > Change Core Slugs page.


  • Change Core Slugs settings screen.




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