Add Custom Header Images


這個外掛僅需新增一個標題為「頁首圖片」(不含左右引號) 的頁面,便能移除佈景主題預設的頁首圖片,並在佈景主題中選取隨機自訂頁首圖片。

這個外掛能移除佈景主題預設頁首,並新增自訂頁首。外掛開發靈感來自受到 啟發的 Julio Biason

請先建立一個標題命名為「頁首圖片」(不含左右引號) 的頁面,然後上傳頁首圖片 (媒體檔案) 至這個頁面。請注意,這個頁面可以是私密頁面。外掛會剖析顯示於這個頁面的全部圖片,這些圖片穢語這個頁面產生關聯,並可透過 [圖片] 區塊新增圖片。

自訂頁首圖片上傳完畢後,請前往 [外觀]→[頁首] 或 [外觀]→[自訂]→[頁首圖片],並選取 [隨機顯示建議的頁首圖片]。



  1. 建立一個新頁面 (可以是私密頁面),但標題必須命名為「頁首圖片」(不含左右引號),並將任何要用於自訂頁首圖片的圖片新增至這個頁面。請適當裁剪頁首圖片至符合佈景主題所需尺寸。
  2. 將解壓縮所得的 add-custom-header-images 資料夾及其全部檔案上傳至 /wp-content/plugins/ 目錄。
  3. 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [外掛] 選單中啟用外掛。
  4. 前往 [外觀]→[頁首] 或 [外觀]→[自訂]→[頁首圖片],並在預設圖片區段選取 [隨機顯示建議的頁首圖片]。


2020 年 2 月 8 日
I have zero code experience. I spent probably 6-10 hours over several days trying to figure out how to reduce the height of my header (i.e., make it slimmer, but keep width the same) using CSS code. I had absolutely zero interest in messing with the theme editor because I’ve had my fair share of scares where I’ve almost crashed my site. Despite all of the supposed solutions out there, nothing was working. I even tried the Elementor plugins, and those didn’t work either. Then this one finally worked. Best part, once again, is that you can *change the height* of your header to make it slimmer if you want. So now my pages don’t have the large rectangular header image anymore. Only downside is I can’t customize based on the page. I originally wanted to keep the home page the same but make all other pages’ header slimmer, but this plugin will change the header on all pages. But I have to give it 5 stars because, as I said, it’s the only thing that’s worked for me. Nothing else has been able to make my header image slimmer. Thanks again,
2016 年 9 月 3 日 4 則留言
I am using Add Custom Header Images with the WordPress Twenty Eleven theme. It works great except that there seems to be a bug. The Twenty Eleven theme comes with a number of default header images that show up along with the images I had uploaded to the “The Headers” page for the plugin to use. I did a hack to fix this using a tip from Voodoo Press: // REMOVE SOME DEFAULT HEADERS function voodoo_header_out() { unregister_default_headers( array( 'wheel', 'shore', 'trolley') ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'voodoo_header_out', 11 ); If you do this, be aware that the array of default images in the example is incomplete. You will have to add the rest of them.
閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Add Custom Header Images〉的開發相關工作。


〈Add Custom Header Images〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Add Custom Header Images〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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2.3.4 / 2024-11-01

  • remove load_plugin_textdomain()

2.3.3 / 2023-07-21

  • use ‘all’ over ‘any’ in query, perhaps better
  • call wp_get_attachment_image() to populate specific attributes

2.3.2 / 2023-02-08

  • improve WP_Query for single call

2.3.1 / 2023-02-08

  • fix to use public or private pages

2.3.0 / 2023-02-05

  • PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
  • update for deprecated get_page_by_title()
  • start from plugins_loaded

2.2.0 / 2023-01-13

  • update GitHub Actions
  • update to add alt text to header image

2.1.0 / 2021-07-07

  • add @10up GitHub Actions for SVN

2.0.3 / 2020-08-01

  • add check for PHP warning

2.0.2 / 2020-03-28

  • initialize some variables

2.0.1 / 2020-03-03

  • add header image support to theme if none exists
  • parse images from page blocks
  • refactor class methods


  • always load after_theme_setup filter


  • correctly initialize load_plugin_textdomain()


  • simplify admin notice
  • WPCS compliant
  • fixed to use wp_get_attachment_url(), thanks @poulh


  • use WP_Query instead of get_children()
  • only load after_theme_setup hook on front end


  • update Tested to
  • simplify conditional


  • don’t run from constructor
  • requires PHP 5.3, sorta


  • use class variables to hold title and page data to reduce number of calls to database


  • set after_theme_setup hook to use later priority to ensure $_wp_default_headers is set, fixes removal of default images


  • removed specific srcset code as it was unnecessary and caused failures. srcset needs to be set correctly in header.php


  • fixed malformed closing strong tag in error message


  • escape translations of page name


  • added srcset for responsive image sizes
  • tested and updated for WP 4.4.0


  • tested to 4.3


  • load textdomain early so translations work.


  • fix readme.txt as plugin name generic
  • simplify warning, remove nested if statements
  • update .pot


  • better i18n strings, updated POT


  • move remove_default_header_images to run only if The Headers page is present. Should fix a PHP Notice too.


  • remove deactivate_plugins to and just display an error notice for better compatibility.


  • added some error checking


  • more graceful exit and return


  • exit after deactivating plugin when not able to be activated


  • Add .pot files
  • Fix short description by removing Markdown


  • Initial commit to WordPress repository