AAA Option Optimizer




安裝這個外掛後,請瀏覽整個網站,最佳方式是正常使用數日,或自行造訪網站前端或管理後台的全部頁面。之後前往外掛設定頁面,查看屬於「未使用」的選項。網站管理員可以判斷是否要移除未使用的選項 (可能是網站不再使用的外掛的執行個體),或將這類選項設定為不要自動載入。後者對網站影響較小,選項仍然存在,只是不會自動載入。


  • 外掛設定頁面的第一個分頁
  • 外掛的 [全部選項] 分頁,這個分頁可供顯示並瀏覽全部選項


  1. 在 [安裝外掛] 頁面搜尋「AAA Option Optimizer」。
  2. 安裝外掛。
  3. 請耐心等待大約一週。如果急於知道結果,請自行點擊網站上的每個頁面,並確定點擊了網站前端及網站管理後台的每個頁面。
  4. 前往這個外掛的管理頁面,並對選項的使用方式進行最佳化。


為什麼這個外掛的名稱會以 AAA 為前置詞?

因為這個外掛需要監測已載入的選項,所以先於其他外掛載入會有所幫助。由於 WordPress 會依據字母順序載入外掛,以 AAA 命名外掛相當合情合理。




請在這個外掛的 GitHub 存放庫回報程式碼錯誤或程式碼建議,也歡迎在技術支援論壇提出問題。



請透過 GitHub 為這個外掛的指定檔案進行增補,並提出提取要求。


使用者可以透過 Patchstack 的漏洞揭露計畫回報安全性問題。Patchstack 團隊會協助驗證、分類及處理任何安全性漏洞。點擊這裡回報安全性漏洞。


2024 年 12 月 9 日
Wordpress 6.6 changed the values used by the autoload field. Instead of yes, there is now on, auto-on & auto. This plugin does not include these options so can’t be used to resolve autoload issues until it is updated.
2024 年 11 月 4 日
Very useful plugin, it helped clean quite a lot amount of junks in the options table that I didn’t know existed! So, it’s a good plugin for database junk cleanup!
2024 年 9 月 18 日
One of the most useful plugin ever. Thank you
2024 年 9 月 12 日
This plugin could be great if you could do batch deletion. Be able to tick off the lines to be deleted and then click on a button to remove the whole thing. Also, with a search (example: “ar_%”), we could delete everything a plugin has left in the options at once. In short, a recently used plugin has left me dozens of useless options, and having to delete them one by one is time-consuming.
閱讀全部 14 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈AAA Option Optimizer〉的開發相關工作。


〈AAA Option Optimizer〉外掛目前已有 5 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈AAA Option Optimizer〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Fix error in known-plugins.json.
  • Prevent fatal error when there’s an error in known-plugins.json.



  • Overhaul of the UX, implementing proper tabs, better buttons and more.
  • Added a new “All options” tab, which, when you hit the button, loads all the options from the database and allows you to manage them.
  • Added a “Reset data” button which resets the tracking data.
  • Added a link to the Optimize Options page from the Plugins page.
  • Much improved recognition of core WordPress options, themes and plugins under “Source”, thanks in part to pull requests from Rogier Lankhorst and system4pc.
  • You can now also filter all tables by Source so you can more easily find the options you’re looking for.
  • Many code and speed improvements under the hood, including adding a class autoloader and some i18n fixes.


Implement the missing functionality to create an option with value false when it’s being loaded but doesn’t exist.


The plugin now recognizes plugins from which the options came (thanks to a great pull by Rogier Lankhorst). If you’re a plugin developer and want your plugin’s options
properly recognized, please do a pull request on this file.

Small enhancements:

  • Column width is now automatically determined which leads to better spacing.
  • Action buttons are now centered in their columns.

Bugs fixed:

  • If you removed autoload from or deleted an option, it’d be removed from the table but would be back when you paginated, that’s fixed – thanks to Jono Alderson for reporting.
  • Fixed sorting by filesize by moving the KB to the table heading, so that you can now properly sort numbers.
  • Fixed issue where an empty option would result in weird size output.


  • Fixed a bug where the buttons wouldn’t work in a paginated state.
  • Show the value of an option in a popover, as suggested with a great pull request by @rogierlankhorst.


Fixed an error with values that are objects, not strings, which also caused sorting not to work for some people.


Initial release on GitHub and