外掛標籤: header
WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager
(1,409 次評分次數)Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.
Header Footer Code Manager
(283 次評分次數)這一個能簡單快速在網站中加入程式碼片段的方式,它能為網站加入 Google Analytics 追蹤 ID、Facebook Pixel 程式碼或其他第三方分析、追蹤市場行銷或線上交談服務所需的指令碼。
Head, Footer and Post Injections
(725 次評分次數)Head, Footer and Post Injections 外掛能讓網站管理員將 WordPress 可接受的程式碼加入至網站文章頁面、文章內容等的 head、footer 標籤區段及其他位置。
Sticky Header Effects for Elementor
(63 次評分次數)Options and features that extend Elementor Pro's sticky header capabilities.
Header and Footer Scripts
(56 次評分次數)Header and Footer Scripts plugin allows you to add scripts to WordPress site's and just before closing tag.
Insert Headers And Footers
(97 次評分次數)Include inline javascript, stylesheets, CSS code or anything you want in Header and Footer areas of your WordPress with ease.
Head & Footer Code
(47 次評分次數)Easy add site-wide, category and article specific custom code before the closing </head> and </body>, or after opening <body> tag.
Woody code snippets – Insert Header Footer Code, AdSense Ads
(206 次評分次數)Insert Headers and Footers, executes PHP code, uses conditional logic to insert ads, text, media content and external service’s code.
Nimble Page Builder
(112 次評分次數)Simple and smart companion that allows you to insert sections into any existing page, create landing pages or entire websites including header and foo …
Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛
(90 次評分次數)完整功能的 WordPress SEO 外掛,具備以最少設定完成輕量化、高效率的特色。不含無用功能,專心做好 SEO 工作。
SOGO Add Script to Individual Pages Header Footer
(31 次評分次數)Simple plugin to add script to header and footer for individual pages & posts
Tag Manager – Header, Body And Footer
(45 次評分次數)Simple plugin that allow you add head, body and footer codes for google tag manager, analytics & facebook pixel codes.
Unique Headers
(160 次評分次數)Adds the ability to use unique custom header images on individual pages, posts or categories or tags.
Head Meta Data
(18 次評分次數)Adds a custom set of <meta> tags to the <head> section of all posts & pages.
WP Display Header
(27 次評分次數)Select a specific header or random header image for each content item or archive page.
Easy WP Meta Description
(14 次評分次數)Simple and easy to use wordpress plugin to add the meta description tag in html head
WordPress Header Builder Plugin – Pearl
(14 次評分次數)Pearl Header Builder gives you complete freedom to compose a header that perfectly suits your site.
WP Header Images
(36 次評分次數)A great WordPress plugin which helps you to choose a unique image for each menu page.
Simple Header Footer HTML
(9 次評分次數)A simple plugin for injecting HTML into various places in your WordPress theme output.