外掛標籤: async
Async JavaScript
(102 次評分次數)Async Javascript 讓網站管理員將 async 或 defer 屬性加入指令碼中,藉以排除不需要的指令碼,同時增進 WordPress 網站的效能。
Speed Up – Optimize CSS Delivery
(8 次評分次數)This plugin load the stylesheets asynchronously and improve page load times.
Async JS and CSS
(51 次評分次數)Converts render-blocking CSS and JS files into NON-render-blocking, improving performance of web page.
Asynchronous Javascript
(9 次評分次數)Improve page load performance by asynchronously loading javascript using head.js
Lazy Widget Loader
(2 次評分次數)Lazy Widget Loader provides lazy loading for widgets to improve page loading. Use on slow widgets with content from Facebook, Twitter, AdSense …
LH CSS Lazy Load
(3 次評分次數)Javascript has a HTML based method for deferring and asynchronously loading files, namely script Defer and script Async. Unfortunately these HTML solu …
(0 次評分次數)Head.js is a script to asynchronously load and manage dependencies of javascript and CSS assets.
(0 次評分次數)When adding media on the post screen, automatically add decoding = "async" to the img tag
Asynchronous Emails
(1 次評分次數)This WordPress plugin allows you to send emails asynchronously using cron jobs, instead of the default way of sending emails immediately upon sending.
Dynamic Shortcode
(0 次評分次數)Make any shortcode asynchronous – Eliminate render-blocking shortcodes, improve user experience and Google PageSpeed Insights.