外掛標籤: activity
Simple History – Track, Log, and Audit WordPress Changes
(390 次評分次數)Track changes and user activities on your WordPress site. See who created a page, uploaded an attachment, and more, for a complete audit trail.
BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
(32 次評分次數)This powerful plugin allows users to receive email notifications of group activity. Weekly or daily digests are available.
BuddyPress Edit Activity
(18 次評分次數)BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your members to edit their activity posts on the front-end of your BuddyPress-powered site.
Track, Analyze & Optimize by WP Tao
(17 次評分次數)Track website visitors, log and analyze their behavior and increase your sales using WP Tao – a powerful, easy-to-use WordPress tracking plugin.
Wbcom Designs – BuddyPress Activity Social Share
(19 次評分次數)A free WordPress plugin enables easy sharing of BuddyPress activities across major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Wbcom Designs – Shortcodes & Elementor Widgets For BuddyPress
(10 次評分次數)This plugin will generate a Shortcode for Listing Activity Streams, Members, and Groups on any post/page on the website.
History Log by click5
(2 次評分次數)Best WordPress plugin to track user activity and log changes on your website.
WP User Activity
(8 次評分次數)WP User Activity 是記錄 WordPress 網站使用者活動的最佳方式。使用者活動可進行排序及篩選,並可依個別已登入使用者、其工作階段資料、IP 位址及使用者代理程式的檢視使用者活動。
Plainview Activity Monitor
(12 次評分次數)Real-time monitoring of users, content, functionality, appearance, security, and updates.
BuddyPress Activity Privacy
(23 次評分次數)BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin add a privacy level to activity stream component.
Match me for BuddyPress
(12 次評分次數)BuddyPress Match adds functionality to match profiles and shows matching percentage on profile.
Wbcom Designs – Activity Link Preview For BuddyPress
(5 次評分次數)Paste the link on your BuddyPress activity in the new area and check the link preview with og:image.
BuddyPress Activity Autoloader
(3 次評分次數)BuddyPress Activity Autoloader plugin autoload activities when a user reaches at the bottom of the page. It just simulates facebook like infinite acti …
BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier
(3 次評分次數)BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier plugin emulates the facebook style notification for the comments made on user activity.
(5 次評分次數)Hashtags for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress. Adds hashtag links to BuddyPress activity and bbPress topics. Hashtags turn into links that are used t …
BuddyPress Re-post Activity
(2 次評分次數)Re-Post an Activity from activity stream. Re-post an activity to your group and personal activity.
BuddyPress Social
(8 次評分次數)Bringing social engagement to Buddypress – let your community share to their hearts content all while promoting your website to social networks.