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Zone Cookie


Zone Cookie is a cookie consent that supports GDPR and CCPA, requires on your website. It is mainly allows you to manage all related cookie consent. It is user friendly and very simple to used.


  • Cookie popup Position Modification
    • Banner bottom (default)
    • Banner top
    • Banner top (pushdown)
    • Floating Left
    • Floating Right
  • Cookie Popup Layout Modification
  • Cookie Popup Content Modification
  • GDPR Information Content Modification
  • CCPA Information Content Modification
  • Data Request Form
  • Email Notification for both Admin and Requester
  • Requester List

This plugin provides a sample text for GDPR and CCPA section, you can check it and replace it anytime you want. It is also can help you to meet compliance requirements, but the user must ensure that all requirements are met.

Feel free to help with development or issue reporting to

Github Repository


Shorcode for GDPR Content – [zone-gdpr-content]

Shorcode for CCPA Content – [zone-ccpa-content]

Shorcode for Request Data Form – [zone-compliance-form]


Feel free to contribute, subtmit bugs, issues or features to be added.

  • Zekinah LecarosInitial work


  • Administrator Options

  • Banner Popup Button (Default)

  • Banner Popup Floating Right

  • Banner Popup Top

  • Banner Popup Floating Left


  1. Upload zone-cookie to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What is GDPR?

At its core, GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data. It aims to simplify the regulatory environment for business so both citizens and businesses in the European Union can fully benefit from the digital economy.
The reforms are designed to reflect the world we’re living in now, and brings laws and obligations – including those around personal data, privacy and consent – across Europe up to speed for the internet-connected age.
Fundamentally, almost every aspect of our lives revolves around data. From social media companies, to banks, retailers, and governments – almost every service we use involves the collection and analysis of our personal data. Your name, address, credit card number and more all collected, analysed and, perhaps most importantly, stored by organisations.

What is CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a bill intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California, United States.
The following are among the major new data protections CCPA introduces:
* Right to access information – Consumers in California will be able to know the “what, who, and why” surrounding their personal information. Specifically, they can request the following, which must be provided in a digestible format:
* Which categories of information were collected and sold
* From whom this information was collected, with whom it was shared, and to whom it was sold
* Why it was collected
* Right to deletion – Consumers in California will be able to request that a company delete the personal information it has collected about them.
* Right to opt out – Consumers in California will be able to direct a company to not sell their personal information to third parties (although the definition of “sell” in the bill is broader than simply monetary exchange).




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Zone Cookie〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Zone Cookie〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Compatibility for WP5.6
  • Improved Layout


  • Small Fixes.


  • Bug Fixes and Optimized.


  • Initial Release