- Author: Fahad Mahmood
- Project URI: http://androidbubble.com/blog/wordpress/plugins/wprtp
- Demo URI: http://demo.wethebrains.com/wp-responsive-tabs
- License: GPL 3. See License below for copyright jots and tittles.
WP Responsive Tabs allows you to create tabs with shortcodes in post/page and anywhere in your content. WooCommerce and eCommerce related taxonomies can be added in tabs. Now you can add WP Docs directories with shortcodes in WP Responsive Tabs as well.
- Add tabs with shorcodes
- Shortcodes for eCommerce
- Shortcodes for WooCommerce
- Compatible with WordPress plugin WP Docs
This WordPress plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This WordPress plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this WordPress plugin. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
Shortcodes and tabs content view. Responsive view. Unique CSS example. Tabs implemented with CSS. Implmentation [WP eCommerce Shortcodes] – 1 Shortcode implementation. Unique shortcode group id. Horizontal orientation tag in shortcode. Tabs implemented in twentyfourteen theme. Add tab and delete tab view. Multisite support view-1. Multisite support view-2. Multisite support view-3. Implmentation [WP eCommerce Shortcodes] – 2 Implmentation [WP eCommerce Shortcodes] – 3 Horizontal vs. vertical orientation. Responsive view. Tabs titles and contents. Files/Folders structure. Installed view. Responsive tabs view in twentyfourteen theme. Responsive tabs view in twentyfourteen theme with CSS. Shortcode tag “tabs” to limit number of tabs in your content. Compatibility view. Unique CSS class view. Vertical view. Shortcode implemented in editor.
To use WP Responsive Tabs, you will need:
* an installed and configured copy of [WordPress][] (version 3.0 or later).
* FTP, SFTP or shell access to your web host
New Installations
Go to your wordpress admin “yoursite.com/wp-admin”
Login and then access “yoursite.com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload
Upload and activate this plugin
4- That’s it, now see your dashboard and ask WP Responsive Tabs anything
Download the WP Responsive Tabs installation package and extract the files on
your computer.
Create a new directory named
WP Responsive Tabs
in thewp-content/plugins
directory of your WordPress installation. Use an FTP or SFTP client to
upload the contents of your WP Responsive Tabs archive to the new directory
that you just created on your web host.
- Log in to the WordPress Dashboard and activate the WP Responsive Tabs plugin.
- Once the plugin is activated, WP Responsive Tabs will be displayed as a metabox under your content editor in posts/pages edit mode.
How to add tabs in post/page?
After installing and activating the plugin, tab fields will appear automatically on edit post/page. Click “Add Tab”, add title and shortcode you want to display in tab.
How can I add WP Docs directories in WP Responsive Tabs?
How dows it work with WP Docs?
- Fix: Authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting. [15/01/2025][Thanks to Tiffany T. & SOPROBRO]
- Updated version for WordPress. [02/05/2023]
- A few improvements.
- Assets updated. [Thanks to Abu Usman]
- WP Docs compatibility ensured. [Thanks to Fusion Graphics Phuket]
- Languages added. [Thanks to Abu Usman]
- Releasing with an important fix regarding html tags.
- Sanitized input and fixed direct file access issues.
- Releasing with an important fix regarding shortcodes.
- Releasing with WP eCommerce & WooCommerce shortcodes.