- 以控制文章分類的相同方式控制媒體分類。
- 在 [媒體庫] 的清單檢視及格狀檢視中使用分類進行篩選。55
- 使用 WordPress 內建的外掛安裝程式下載並安裝外掛。
- 在管理後台的 [外掛] 頁面點擊 [啟用] 連結便能啟用外掛。
- 這個外掛不需要設定或組態。
請前往 WordPress 技術支援論壇提出技術支援需求。
請前往這個外掛的 GitHub 存放庫閱讀線上說明文件。
2020 年 12 月 2 日
Good plugin, does the job,
2020 年 11 月 12 日
When you need media “folders”, like for images or photos, this is the plugin. Works out of the box.
Let’s a developer add tax queries, as for post. Then very powerful.
2020 年 2 月 13 日
I can filter in list-/grid-view in the normal media-view. But can’t filter when selecting an image in a page or product.
2019 年 1 月 6 日
As a proof of concept it does work, but user has type categories manually upon file upload and there is no category filtering in media insertion dialog, which kind’a would be the point of having categories.
2018 年 9 月 16 日
Hey John,
So many thanks for your work on the free plugins !
There is one thing on that one that would be great in furture updates : Having a dropdown with the existing categories when you upload a media file. For now, there is only a blank category field where you need to type in the slug of the category you want to add to the media (ie you need to know the slug).
Cheers !
2017 年 1 月 16 日
It would be better if you add possibility to show translation of your plugin. May be something like this
load_plugin_textdomain(‘wp-media-categories’, false, basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . ‘/lang/’);
[2.1.0] – 2020-05-13
- Improve compatibility with PHP7.2+
- Improve shortcode implementation
[2.0.0] – 2018-06-05
- Fix bug where count could target wrong taxonomy
- Fix bug where dropdown widget URL used wrong taxonomy slug
[1.1.0] – 2016-09-28
- Fix “no_category” admin filtering
[1.0.1] – 2016-09-06
- Fix theme-side search interference
- Improve performance of “no_category” filtering
[1.0.0] – 2016-09-06
- Fix bulk edits
- Move files into subdirectory for improved mu-plugins support
[0.1.1] – 2015-10-28
- Improve media grid layout
[0.1.1] – 2015-10-21
- Initial release