這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

WordPress Shortcode Library from One Dollar Plugin


Currently there are 5 active shortcodes in the library: (See Changelog for updates!)

Let’s you embed CloudFlare Stream videos easily into WordPress posts and pages, with just the video ID. e.g:

[CF_STREAM id=”mycloudflarevideoid” preload controls /]

This will create a piece of HTML is your WordPress site title wrapped in a SPAN with ID “siteBrandName”
You can also change the ID by using ID=”yourOwnID”

[NOSC] … [/NOSC]
Short for “No Shortcode”. Any shortcodes present within this shortcode are ignored. Useful for writing about shortcodes without
them being interpreted.

You can add a DIV element with parameters:


This plugin should install as any other WordPress.org respository plugin.

  1. Browse to Plugins -> Add Plugin
  2. Search: WordPress Shortcode Library
  3. Click Install
  4. Click to Activate.

Alternatively using FTP:

  1. Download the zip file using the download link to the right.
  2. Extract the contents of the file and locate the folder called ‘wordpress-shortcode-library’ containing the plugin files.
  3. Upload this whole folder to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  4. From the plugins page within WordPress locate the plugin ‘WordPress Shortcode Library’ and click Activate

The new Shortcodes will now be available to you.

Select the CSS file as desired.


There is no page to modify shortcodes?

We haven’t built a configuration page into the plugin (yet).

How do I add Shortcodes of my own?

Go to ‘Plugins’ => ‘Editor’

On the top-right select ‘WordPress Shortcode Library’ from the menu.

Edit as desired.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈WordPress Shortcode Library from One Dollar Plugin〉的開發相關工作。




This is a complete reboot of the plugin. At the time, there were less than 10 sites running this
plugin as it hadn’t been updated in several years.

ADDED: Shortcode CF_STREAM for easily embedding CloudFlare stream videos.


  • Clean up and update compatible version to WordPress 4.3.0


  • Fix: Call-time pass-by-reference error reported: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wordpress-shortcode-library-by-host-like-toast-fatal-error-when-activating-host-like-toast-shortcut-library?replies=1


  • Added a new shortcode: [SITENAME]. This will output your WordPress site name in a SPAN with default ID “brandedSiteName”.
    You change the ID and also add “class” and “style” as you wish. This shortcode is useful so that if you decide to
    alter the name of your site later, and you’ve used this shortcode throughout, it will automatically update across
    your site! You can apply a consistent style for your site name text throughout the site by referencing the ID.
    I started using it here: Kick Start Valencia




  • Restructured the code to be slightly cleaner so as to more easily as new shortcodes later


  • Added Shortcode: [NOSC] … [/NOSC] Any shortcodes present within this shortcode are ignored.


  • Added Shortcode: [TWEET] (this creates a Twitter share button for the given page wherever you write it).
    Parameters include:
    count=”none/horizontal/vertical” (optional- default is ‘none’)
    via=”your Twitter Handle” (optional)
    related=”another related Twitter handle” (optional)


  • Initial release.