這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Woocommerce Catalog


This plugin changes your woocommerce e-shop to catalog only shop (without add to cart option).


  • Catalogue mode with a simple click.
  • Custom button instead of add to cart.
  • Customize button with your colors.
  • Remove price from product loop.
  • Apply catalog settings in certain categories.
  • Choose the group you want to apply catalog settings (registered, no registered users).


  • The basic settings to get you started.
  • Customize the custom button as you like.


Upload the plugin to your blog, Activate it, then go to settings page and play with the options.

1, 2, 3: You’re done!


Installation Instructions

Upload the plugin to your blog, Activate it, then go to settings page and play with the options.

1, 2, 3: You’re done!

Where are the settings of plugin?

When you install and activate the plugin you will find under the settings section of wordpress the option “Woocommerce Catalog Mode”

Can I add read more button which will redirect to product details?

Yes you can. There is an option in settings page.

How do I change the colours and things?

You can style the custom button colors text etc… Use the plugin settings page.


2019 年 8 月 7 日
The toggle to enable the catalog settings does not work. Can’t Enable.
2017 年 8 月 3 日
The toggle to enable the catalog settings does not work. Can’t Enable. HELLOOOOOO!
2017 年 7 月 24 日
is it work? I can’t see the changes in my theme!! why?
閱讀全部 15 則使用者評論


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  • Apply catalog settings in certain categories.
  • Choose the group you want to apply catalog settings (registered, no registered users).
  • Bug Fixes.


  • Bug Fixes.


  • Remove styles.php and adding inline styles
  • Bug Fixes.