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PrangoShip [Quantity Based] for WooCommerce


PrangoShip -a Quantity Based shipping rate plugin that works well in your WooCommerce Store. It displays the shipping rate to your customers based on the quantity of items in the cart. You can segment the quantities into different ranges and assign the shipping rates respectively.



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/PrangoShip-Quantity-Based-Shipping-Rate-for-WooCommerce-master directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Shipping tab->Quantity Based Per Order Shipping Rate screen to configure the plugin
  4. Check the ‘Enable this shipping method’ and click on ‘Save changes’ button.

Steps to add shipping rates:

  1. Click ‘Add Shipping Rate’ button to add a shipping rate.
  2. Provide a shipping method name, set minimum and maximum total order quantity and corresponding rate for the range.
  3. Click on ‘Save changes’ button.

Steps to delete shipping rates:

  1. To delete shipping method(s), check the corresponding checkboxes of the shipping method(s) and click ‘Delete Shipping Rates’.
  2. Click on ‘Save changes’ button.


2017 年 2 月 16 日
I first tested this plug in on a MU environment and it didn’t work. I then tried it on a non mu environment and it worked. What it does not do is create a shipping method that you can then add to a shipping class and hence have different rates for different zones so it pretty much has to be quantity based shipping that is globally applicable. Plug in has potential and would encourage the developer to keep working on it and making it more robust. It would be worth at some point to thinking about creating a premium version.
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