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Product Dropdown Widget for WooCommerce


This plugin creates a widget to display and link to WooCommerce products by category in a dropdown menu. Visitors to your site will have one-click access to products in your sidebar (or other widgetized areas) without valuable real estate being used up by a regular products list.

Plugin options include the abilities to:

  • display all products or just products in a single category
  • sort by product name, price, total sales, number of reviews, date published, date last modified, or random
  • limit the number of products shown

This plugin is also compatible with the Post Types Order plugin, so you can also sort by your own customized menu order if desired.

With these options you can use this plugin for a variety of uses. You could use multiple instances of the widget to have product dropdowns for each of your categories; you could display the top 5 most frequently bought products in a specific category; you could display the top 20 most reviewed products in your entire store or just in a specific category; and so on.


For sites with a very large number of products, it is not recommended that you display all products in a single dropdown because it would be both heavy on server resources and also just be difficult to use.


  • Backend view example
  • Frontend view example


  1. Install the plugin (upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory)
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add the widget to a sidebar under Appearance > Widgets and configure the widget using the options provided


What are some example uses of this plugin?

The widget can be configured to show individual product categories, an \”All Products\” dropdown, or specific limited displays based on sort order such as: Top 5 Most Reviewed Products, Top 10 Most Sold Products, or 15 Random Products.

Why are my dropdowns out of order when using the [Post Types Order](https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/) plugin?

The Post Types Order Plugin defaults to overriding any wp_query to sort by menu order. Visit Settings > Post Types Order and uncheck the Auto Sort option to avoid this problem.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Product Dropdown Widget for WooCommerce〉的開發相關工作。




  • Fixed undefined array keys
  • WP Core compatibility update


  • WP Core compatibility update


  • WP Core compatibility update


  • UI improvements
  • WP Core compatibility update


  • WP Core compatibility update


  • Initial plugin creation