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Hosted Checkout For WC Stripe


This plugin providing a Stripe hosted checkout Woocommerce supported payment gateway. The customer will redirect to the stripe for making the payment.


  • Click on the Manage
  • Enter the key on settings from the Stripe


  1. Download the zip folder
  2. Put the zip file under the wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Extract the zip files there
  4. Go to the wordpress admin panel and navigate to the plugins page to activate the plugin.
  5. Once it activated, navigate to the Woocommerce -> Settings-> Payment.
  6. Setup the webhook in stripe Dashboard “https://yoursiteurl.com/wc-api/wc_gateway_stripe_hosted”


2020 年 9 月 16 日
Non-existent support! No response on the support page whatsoever. I even tried to contact them by email but emails are not deliverable.
2020 年 7 月 5 日 1 則留言
Hosted Stripe Checkout is important because it is guaranteed to work with 3D Secure and SCA. My interest is in Stripe Connect which can be very complicated. This plugin gives me a great base for integrating Stripe Connect into WooCommerce. Constructive Suggestion Put a link on the setting page with details of the URL to be used as the webhook in the Stripe configuration. There should also be a link to the Webhooks setting page on the Stripe dashboard.(updated 2020-07-05 after moderator removed link) This is a good idea because the user will not have to refer back to the installation instructions.
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