Highlight the best selling products of your woocommerce store by displaying best seller badge on product image.
Best seller products of each category are highlighted on the shop page by displaying a beautiful bestseller badge on the product’s image.
The UI, content of bestseller badge is fully manageable from the backend. Site admin can also use the category name placeholder inside the badge content.
Site admin can choose from the 3 predefined styles of the bestseller badge from the backend.
Lite Version (Free)
➡️ Display bestseller badge on product image on woocommerce shop page.
➡️ Badge UI and content is fully manageable from backend.
➡️ Three predefined templates for bestseller badge.
➡️ Site admin can use category name placeholder inside badge content.
[WC Best Selling Products PRO] (https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-best-selling-products/27901017)
Pro version plugin contains all the features of free version plugin plus some additional features which are listed below
👉 Display bestseller badge on product image on woocommerce shop page, product detail page, category archive page.
👉 Automatically displays a bestseller tag in between product description on the product detail page just like Amazon.
👉 Showcase the best selling products of same category in a dedicated section on the product detail page under the product description.
Live Examples
How this plugin works?
Site admins just needs to enable a checkbox in the backend in order to automatically enable the functionality of plugin. Best selling products in each category are calculated automatically and badges are displayed on their product image.
Where is bestseller badge displayed?
It’s displayed on woocommerce shop page only not on the product details page
Is color and text of the bestseller badge manageable?
Yes, the bestseller badge can be customized from the backend according to needs and requirements of admin.